Linn Selekt Journey

I use my Selekt Edition as a single box using two Stereo Power Amp Cartridges and two Organik DAC Modules, (active) which sounds great.

You can also run passive with one.



Thanks for the reply, mate. How much are the power amp cartridges.

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This is Linn’s current price list.


Hi @Higgy
Prices etc are as given by @DiggyGun above. I would ask why you are looking to change your setup.

IIRC the Focal Kanta 1 is not wired to allow for active driving so you will need to remain passive. The Linn DSM output for a single module is 50W per channel into 8ohms (Focal Kanta 1 are 8 ohm?). Rega Aethos is 125W per channel into 8 ohms, quite a difference if only using single Linn module. I would suggest that you audition the Linn module, if you can, to confirm it drives the speakers as you would want and also presents the sound in a way you like. You may find your Rega or another different amp will give you a better solution.

My setup is very similar to @DiggyGun and I must confess I’m very happy with what I have in terms of sound quality and ease of use.

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Thanks Orac for all the reply’s DuggyGun I will see if I can audition one.


Hope you can sort out an audition with your dealer. Assume you are going for the amp module fitted with the “organik” DAC, it really does bring a bit more to the presentation. At least it did for me, YMMV.

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I was ay my dealer to audition the Selekt DSM Edition with power amp cartridge and heard the differences between Katalyst and Organik DAC’s … even to mrs Klout, the differences were really obvious …


Which way to jump must depend in part on your budget. I run an Edition Hub with dual mono Organik line out cartridges into active ATCs. It would be interesting to compare this version of the Selekt into your Rega amp with the all-in-one solution. But the Selekt is so customisable, there are several other options too. Which ever way you go I’d strongly recommend including Organik DAC and Utopik power supply.

Have fun auditioning and choosing.



Dealer came round to pick up my Akubarik Katalyst modules which are being sent off to Glasgow for an Organik upgrade. Fantastik!


Which way to jump must depend in part on your budget. I run an Edition Hub with dual mono Organik line out into active ATCs. It would be interesting to compare this version of the Selekt into your Rega amp with the all-in-one solution. But the Selekt is so customisable, there are several other options too. I’d strongly recommend including Organik DAC and Utopik power supply in your choice.



I am not sure about your system, today I play airplay from my iPad to the Organik DSM3, and it sounds pretty good (to ears), even my wife notices it. I use that latest Davaar beta version 4.107.539


Just won on eBay a used Chord Signature streaming cable for a good price as it has a broken RJ45 clip.

Had checked with Chord about a repair cost for this, which was reasonable. When repaired, I will put it between the EE1 and the Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub, swapping out the Epic streaming cable and then put that between the EE8 and the EE1.

This will free up a Clearway streaming cable that I can use elsewhere.

I will update later when been using it for a while.



The Chord Signature Streaming cable has arrived.

Looks in good condition, apart from the broken RJ45 retaining clip, which I knew about.

I’ll post it to my dealer next week, for onward postage to Chord to affect the repair.



Look forward to hearing how it sounds when back


I’ve had those retaining clips break on basic cables bought for cheapness, but I’d have thought Chord might have used a more robust rj45 connector on an expensive cable. Perhaps they don’t exist.

Anyway, hope you enjoy your new wire when it’s been reterminated.


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Connectors where it’s difficult/impossible to break the retaining clip exist, I’ve even seen full metal ones. They’re just more expensive (€5+) than the relatively cheap connectors (<€1) used in these cables.


New Speaker cable for Linn Selekt - Audio Physic combo: David Laboga Level 3

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And, what is it?


Good news, the Signature Super ARAY Streaming Cable is back from being repaired at the Chord Co.

After getting a quote from the Chord Co for the repair, I sent it to Cymbiosis as it had to be sent back to Chord Co through their dealer network.

It transpired that both the RJ45 connectors needed replacing, so double the cost. However, notwithstanding this, it is still cheaper than buying a new cable.

But no, good news. Wayne at Cymbiosis advised that the repair was FOC under warranty and all I had to cover were the postage costs to and from Chord Co and, then from Cymbiosis back to me.

So a good shout out to Wayne at Cymbiosis for all his help and to both Chord Co and Cymbiosis for their excellent customer service.

Presently, the set up is Chord Co Clearway Streaming cable from the router to the EE8 and then to the EE1. From there it is the Chord Co Epic to the Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub.

The new set up will be the same up to the EE8, but now Epic to the EE1 and then Signature Super ARAY to the Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub.

Now to let it settle in and enjoy the Jazz.



The upgraded Akubarik modules with Organik were installed yesterday.
When I switched to an all Linn system I didn’t envisage upgrading much because I was so happy with the SQ but now I have upgraded several times and only envisage one more tiny upgrade going forward.
The first upgrade was from old gen to new gen KDSM hub. Even though the hub doesn’t have DACs (they’re in the active speakers) the sound quality improved immensely. Next upgrade was Utopik PS to the KDSM. Raised the bar again. Applied Space+ optimization and a gain shelf all the way up. Another massive improvement which saved me getting a subwoofer. Finally the Organik upgrade to the Akubariks after which I was able to pull back the gain shelf by a third. Still have all the bass I need but the sound stage - OMG! Sooo much more enjoyable listening to classical music; incredible separation. Jazz - blimey. Organ recital: close my eyes and I’m in that cathedral. Electronic and Indie: hearing all kinds of stuff that wasn’t there before. But the best of it all is the totally different presentation: effortless, you want to hear all your music again but don’t want to skip.
And the final tiny upgrade: Utopik for the Akubariks if it becomes available.
Now I’ve got all the system I’ll ever need for my retirement. Honestly :blush: