I was kind of curious about some claims about ER, EE8, PhoenixNet, etc., even with my background as a PhD in Computer Science and I am fortunate in a sense that I can afford and play around with these stuffs. However, I’ve found nothing better than just some simple network switches and well-constructed, built ethernet cables, the kind of cheapo ones that you can find from Amazon.
As someone here said quite a few times, you would need to pay attention to your RF in your listening env.
That doesn’t surprise me at all. ATC who make my active speakers have a similar view of e.g. balanced XLR cables: go for decent quality, but nothing special. I won’t say more as cable discussions tend to get heated pretty quickly.
Yes, I just skip the analogue pre-amp, feed the signal output from the Linn streamer directly to the amp.
I guess Linn stopped making analogue pre-amps for a reason.
This has been a fascinating thread, all the more than I’m also seriously thinking of downsizing from a multi-box Naim solution to a single box Linn.
Currently very happy sound wise with a very solid Naim setup, NC222, 555PSDR, CD5XS, NAP300DR. However, living in a smallish apartment in Hong Kong, I now wonder whether there is a simpler alternative. Only issue is that the 2nd hand market for Naim products here is very small, and selling all my boxes I would take a huge hit (total price quoted for the whole setup including Fraim: £6,000!). Hence my hesitation to pull the trigger.
Yes, that’s the plan. Going to the Linn dealer here and asking for a demo. The model I’m interested in is Selekt Edition hub. I like the modularity. If I can’t afford the top of the range model now I can wait until I can with additional purchases at a later stage. And I love the idea of a single box instead of the 5 I currently have.
I listen mostly to classical and opera, therefore I’m not necessarily after the Naim “Prat”. But I like the Naim sound. Have known it for 10 years now.
You have a very nice system and I’d be very hesitant about replacing it with a single box, unless you really can’t live within your space constraints. But …
I do have a Selekt, and my experience leads me to disagree with Gary’s view on Linn’s lack of “punch”. But my version of the Selekt has line level outputs which I feed into active ATC speakers. I presume you’d be using two Selekt power amp cartridges with your Sonus Fabers and I’d want to be sure they deliver high enough SQ to make the change worthwhile. Audition essential!
Finally, I’d strongly urge you to jump for the Organik DAC even if that meant starting with the Classic hub rather than Edition. That’s what led to my move to Linn and is really special.
Interesting Roger, I thought the linn had a transparency to die for and it was good enough for me to arrange a home demo but I simply missed that Naim signature sound which I describe as “punch.”
The Linn has a different signature to my ears both quality brands and music preference may play their part.
Through my demos of Linn, Chord and Naim the Naim system was preferable to my ears despite really wanting a simpler solution with less boxes.
I love my system and the way it sounds and to be frank space isn’t that much an issue. However I do love the idea of a single box. In any case, I’m not selling my current set up for £6k. That’s just plain ridiculous. Therefore the Linn might just remain an idea, nothing more.
What makes the difference, I think, are the Organik DAC and the ATC SCM40As. When my dealer came round to install the Selekt, I put on Ezra Collective’s jazz/funk Where I’m Meant to be. After about 30 secs of background conversation the drums kick in. Both dealer and I felt the physical force even through the not run in Selekt. (We jumped!)