Loud Humming NAP200

I have the feeling there is no a clear reason, dc blocker might help but does not solve the issue. it is like and aspirin: solve the symptom but does not cure.
unfortunately it happened also to me, both to hicap dr and nap 250 dr.
they were silent, I moved them to a hifi rack and they begun humming and sometimes, especially in the evening that I keep low volume, is not nice.
some told naim electronics are humming more than others.

If its the transformer humming then it’s usually caused by something within the house or near neighbourhood. Most likely culprits are: a faulty appliance (fridge etc…), heating elements, hairdryers, electric blankets.

I agree that some of the informative discussions should be, but I don’t think so.

My dealer years ago said that If the power supply is too bad in this respect then it would be sent back for a new one. Not sure exactly why, but a ome are worse than others and it is not possible to assume the naim is perfect and the problems are elsewhere. It is likely though in this day and age that disturbances are elsewhere like the examples cited by Richard

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