Loudspeaker recommendations

ATC or PMC, with their magic mid range drivers…

I use PMC Twenty 26’s with a Rel Sub, this not only adds a meaty low end but also brings out the mid range. If you buy a quality Sub and it is configured correctly you can achieve great results, my system will only add bass when it is there in the recording


Good evening and thanks for the recommendation, well unsure if the exact same thing happens over the United Kingdom but up in Scotland now there was a time you could ask hi-fi shops for a demo listen room but now if you ask for a demo of speakers or any equipment it’s refused, but I will try find out more about the speakers you’ve taken the kindness to recommend

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@Ragnaar Not my experience of Scottish hifi dealers, I’ve never had a problem getting a demo, time to change your dealer if your request for a demo is being refused.


Thanks so much to everyone for your advice. It is much appreciated. Amazingly I found a local ATC dealer and have a demo set up for next week. I also had a chance to drop into a local Naim/Focal dealer where I was able to hear the Focal Kanta 2 and a pair of similar, albeit more expensive, Sonus Faber speaker. I did like the Focal a great deal, especially with Naim amplification. It seemed to fix all the high frequency issues I have had with the Avatars with beautiful mids so well integrated with the tweeter. The bass was better than the Avalons although not exactly where I would want to be. Perhaps the Kanta 3 would do a bit better in that regard.

Thanks again everyone. The journey continues.


Hi Philip, what was driving the Kantas 2s? The NCS222 and NC250? Did you play with the positioning at all? And good power chords? Yes, it could be that the Kanta 3 would suit your taste.

I have a 222 and 250 but the store only had a Uniti Nova to drive them. I was incredibly impressed by the Nova but it is not my system which introduces another variable into the mix unfortunately. I think it is so much easier to get a proper demo in the UK but it is much more difficult where I am in the US.

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That is interesting, I also initially tried the Nova with the Kantas and found the bass to be not quite there. When I put my SN3 onto the Kantas, all was sounding good. If you can, a listen to the Kantas with your 250 powering them would show quite significant improvement I believe.

Thanks so much James. That was exactly my thinking based on my past experience with various Naim power amps. I’ll hear the ATCs on Monday but there is a bit of time pressure if I want to go with the Kanta’s since there is a not inconsiderable discount on them that ends Nov 30.

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I have always had good service from HiFi Corner


Excellent dealer, I’m a frequent customer.

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Thank for all your help everyone. I made the mistake this afternoon of listening to a pair of Focal Sopra 2s. They were terrific. Very similar voicing to the Kanta 2s but with more definition in the bass region and a sweeter top end. I suppose they should be for the price difference.

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As you are in the US I wonder if you might be better focussing on US brands. Something like the Wilson Sabrina X might be affordable with a bit of discount and by all accounts are a great match with Naim. Then there is Shahinian or maybe the Magico M3. These cost a lot in the U.K. but in the US the prices are much more sensible. I certainly wouldn’t rush to buy a speaker just because of an offer. Take your time and get what will work for you for the next 20 years.


Another vote for the Wilson Sabrina, but also for a 2nd hand pair of one of the Sophia.

You are absolutely right. There are lots of options out there including US brands. I listened to some of the Wilson speakers years ago (I suspect it was a late model Watt/Puppy) which I did not like, But things have changed since then. Thanks so much.

JBL 4367 if you want new, or 4343 if you don’t mind second hand. Will move some air….

Among the US brands I like the look of, but have never heard in the UK, is Devore Fidelity.

How did you like the ATC’s?

If possible to audition, you should lend your ears to Spendor D9. It’s not only that I own them my self. They have, in my inner circle of hifi nerds, made quite an impression.


Been out of town for a few days but before I left I did have a chance to demo the ATCs. I felt these were impressive speakers, especially at the price point. I am fairly familiar with studio monitors having employed them in my own small home studio and the ATCs do have that flavor compared, say, to the Focals. I found them to be very fast and transparent and was particularly impressed by how they handled difficult vocals in a very natural way. So much so I paused my intent to order a pair of Focal Kantas although those were great too. On cosmetics the Focal design wins in my opinion but that is secondary in my case. The ATCs are plain in comparison and I didn’t like the grills which I would take off anyway.