Love the 272 please update - 1 click like post

Wouldn’t it be interesting if Naim launched a new 272.2 or 372 alongside a new range of Naim amp powered active Focal speakers… Could this be an alternative product road map I wonder?


Very much so.

Even in my little corner of the hifi world I do get the feeling that active speakers are gaining in popularity. It makes a lot of sense both from SQ, box reduction and cost standpoints. I reckon there’s room in the market for a range of standalone Focal/Naim active speakers. Perhaps the physical problem of accommodating massive power supplies etc in a speaker cabinet is an impediment, but if Naim were ever to develop really high quality Class D power amps, even that problem would be solved.


That would be exciting…

I can see three reasons for balanced pre-outputs. Long cables to active speakers or long cables to big-amps near the speakers (for shorter speaker cables and to avoid bigamps in the rack, like the 500), Or simply to better fit into a world of increasing mix&match of different brands.

Historically Naim has always promoted active at least indirectly. And personally I still remember my years with 2x250 + SBL’s as the best I have owned. So I think you are right - they probably have some project cooking together.

But so far Naim has not played the amp-inside-speakers game and it is not hard to understand why. If you build preamps with floating chassis and dresses cables to avoid vibrations - placing a bunch of electronics inside the speakers is not optimal.

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Me, ill buy whatever it does or doesn’t have with confidence and DIN for me…


Well I just purchased a Nap 200 to use with my Atom so it would be mighty nice if Naim could release a new 272 within the next year. :pray:


Is anyone Aware of any hints whatsoever recently regarding an updated 272?? I am getting closer to starting my upgrade path. Currently I have an Atom with a nap 200. So naturally a 272 would replace the Atom nicely. The alternative is 202/NDX2 but this combo makes me a little sick at the thought of so much money as I would like to buy these new. If I just knew there was something at least in the works I would hang on and wait. The thing is, if I go and get a 202 or NDX2 it locks me in and then if the new 272 replacement comes out I am going to be pretty miffed and regret my purchase.
I Don’t want to sound like an impatient child I am just wondering if there is a conclusion that has been drawn from anything mentioned by Naim staff at all???

There’s been a bit of innuendo and deflection about delayed with Covid etc. But the reality is that hasn’t stopped other new products being launched - Atom HE and Solstice. If they were just going to update the streamer to the current spec it would have been launched years ago.

If you want a streamer/pre you probably need to look outside Naim unless the Atom HE fits the bill for you. An Aurelic with the 200 would be pretty good I’d think and likely cheaper than any 272 replacement.


Think you might just be right Mike, if Naim were interested in keeping customers they would (or should) have said something by now.


I’m working 552 but it takes guts.

I have looked at these… I try not to mention these things out of respect for Naim. My issue is that due to where I live I can’t go to hear anything. I am willing to take this risk with Naim but probably not the auralic.

I Might be heading to the Uk to see my parents early next year if we’re allowed. I think I’ll hang on before going to an ndx 2 and have a trip to some hifi stores while I’m there. My family are in Nottingham if anyone can recommend somewhere?

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There’s lots of positive reviews for the Auralic stuff but I agree it’s a bit of a risk not hearing them first.

which of the Auralic’s are a streamer/pre pete? They are a little confusing.

That’s true and even reading their stuff online it’s difficult to work it out. Think the easiest way is if they have a volume control on the front plate I’d assume they’re pre amps.

I’m “hearing/reading” they are a bit boring compared to Naim

I would have thought as a new merging brand you’d be flattered by a comparison with such a highly regarded and established manufacturer.

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Nah :crazy_face:

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I’m not sure a replacement 272 is going to save you a huge amount of money. The original cost about the same as the NDX, and if you wanted it to sound anywhere near as good as an NDX you needed to power it with an XPS. So it’s reasonable to assume that a 272.2 would cost about the same as an NDX2.
Of course there was also the 172 which may or may not be reappearing in Mk2 guise as well. There is little doubt that there will be some sort of new product arriving eventually, but exactly what and when we can only guess.

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