Love the 272 please update - 1 click like post

Would you not wait for an updated 272 with the new streamer technology and swap out your current one?

No, I’m happy with my local streaming options I have the 272 in the studio, the Atom in the lounge room and my first gen Muso in the office. If I’m streaming (generally) it’s either when I’m working (office), just doing things or when we have visitors. The DAC would be just for listening in the studio while I work.

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I’m confused, which happens easily. You want a new DAC to run into the 272 in the studio, rather than replace it with the updated 272 when/if it happens, is that it?

How about a second hand Naim Ndac, if you like the Naim sound. Not sure what the Aussie second hand market is like?

It’s a great prep amp, why would I change it. It’s the DAC I’d replace. And confusion is my stock in trade. :rofl:

That might be an option but the trouble is the Naim DAC is still only tech, and it seems they’re reluctant to introduce a new one.

A new NS5 XS2 is probally just out of budget? I know you only stream local,y, but you would have the app compatibility.

The 272/ 555Dr is an excellent cost effective combination in the naim hierarchy as discussed above, compared to the very best eg ND 555 with Statement system it is very good indeed, but ultimately it sounds like a solid state excellent stereo vs the complete naturalness of the elite system. My 272/555dr system is lovely, but still sounds like an excellent stereo vs a live performance. Having said that, the recent Elton John live concert I attended did not sound as good as my stereo, due to difficult outdoor acoustics.


that is what I found too, many concerts do not sound that great.

For the naturalness of an elite system, I found this is more source issue than amplifier issue.

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I do love my 272 as a pre amp but I agree with others here that occasionally with some recording it can sound a little digital and bright.

I never found 272 to sound digital and bright.

I suspect this could be down to mains issues such a neon lights in mains extensions, SMPS chargers, and not being able to plug in 272 and the power amp like 250 directly into the wall as always recommended by Naim

I don’t get that in any way at all, and that’s with a 300 and hugely revealing speakers. It just sounds delightfully real and natural. For example I’ve heard Angela Hewitt play live on her (now sadly departed) Fazioli and on recordings with the same piano and the the similarity in sound is tangible. It’s certainly not a digital sounding recreation at all.

What I found was that adding the XPSDR, and of course the 555, is what takes the 272 to a tangible level of naturalness. I would - in Slamdam’s case - see no point in adding an ND5XS to the 272. Others have tested and found the ND5 to not be as good as the streamer of the 272. Adding a power supply is the way to go if a real upgrade is required.

I’’m already running the XPS DR and really have no intention of upgrading to a 555. It’s only the DAC I’m interested in.

None of that is an issue for me, I’ve added power lines etc as well as other tweaks. It’s not a huge issue and as I’ve said it’s only on some recording, which I suspect are the problem.

I guess there’s also the issue that Naim will probably not issue any firmware upgrades for the 272 as even they have moved on.

The best I have heard my 272/555DR is using the Node 2i feeding the DAC on the 272. Personally I feel the Pre and DAC in the 272 is excellent but lifted when you remove the streaming part from the 272 and allow another device to take over.

I will probably be shot for stating this but I trust my ears, family and friends when they sit down for a listen.


Just out of interest, is that for web streaming or local storage from nas?

There was a post a while ago, when a member added a DCS to a 272, then found over time, it was sounding just as good as the internal streamer in the 272. The issue for him with the Network switch (CISCO), and when using it with both and doing the same compare, differences went away. He sold he DCS streamer.

Says it all really.

Both and this was a complete surprise, it would be nice if someone or Naim knows if the streaming board is completely disabled in the 272 when not in use.

That’s interesting, as is the fact you find the Node better whereas others didn’t get the same with the DCS, which is many times the price of the Node. Anyway, I’m perfectly content with my manky old 272 without accoutrements.

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I could easily live with streaming section of the 272 and the whole package is excellent. Let’s wait and see if Naim reveal a new 272 in May, interesting times.