Love the 272 please update - 1 click like post

Don’t tempt fate, there is still a week of 2020 to go.

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It will appear next year.


Sorry, sad physicist joke, I was suggesting that in 2020 saying there might be a supernova was tempting fate with the sun.


I tend to agree that a new product will appear in 2021. Whether it is a straight streamer/preamp or has some additional functionality I am less certain of.

2021 … and I will keep on enjoying my 272 in the meantime!

That’s about as likely as that my body will spontaneously self detonate via nuclear fusion.

Really Jim, don’t tempt fate in 2020!,


Hasn’t been officially, has it? The website doesn’t say it was, but then the website is not usually up to date …

I don’t see the 272 listed in the 2020 US retail listings.

There’s still is (or was a month or so ago) plenty of new 272s for sale in Aus and not that cheap either.

I have recently spotted a new 272 ex-demo? on a dealers site and it’s 25% more expensive than it was a few months ago

Maybe establishing price expectations for the forthcoming 272.2…?


I do hope so, they wanted £2,500 :0)

Placed an order on a used XPSDR for my 272. Let’s see if I can hear anything changing and hopefully if so for the better :blush:


Oh boy you will…happy days are arriving soon…

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I replacing nac n 272 . And ordered Lumin X1 which will come by 13th jan,My setup was ATC SCM50 ASLT, Naim nac n 272, uniti core, 555PSDR.ATC SCA2 pre.
Now my setup will be ATC SCM50 ASLT, ATC SCA2 pre amp, Lumin X1 and Naim uniti core.
(I will keep 555PSDR for future if any reference DAC comes from Naim).

Just plugged in an XPSDR to my 272/300DR. Wow, didn’t expect such great improvements since it seemed to be 555PSDR which was what was needed. Bass is so much more well defined and controlled. Details and dynamics have improved greatly and music just flows around me and everything seems more relaxed. It’s like putting on glasses and see much better. It never ends does it… :man_shrugging: :sunglasses:

Now I just need the 372. Speed up!


(Just browsing )and one thing occurred to me: if I received a coin for each post regarding the 272 substitute … :fire::partying_face:

Blown away with what XPSDR did with my 272. Bigger upgrade than 250DR to 300DR. Problem? It’s so great I wonder how the 555PSDR can top this… Especially when it is claimed to be much better too…

Don’t worry, it can. The step from 272/XPS to 272/555 is far bigger than that from 272 to 272/XPS.