LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

Never been a fan off the LP12 myself, but it certainly can be at many different levels of performance these days.
I do like the way it looks, and the upgrade path can be good, but at the same time a nightmare. But it has certainly been good for linn over the years.
As with everything you pay your money and choose what the end result is. I am sure other turntables are far easier to live with as the years go by, but at the same time a LP12 might be the correct turntable for many, as there’s always a new upgrade round the corner to keep you interested and wanting and so it probably stops folk moving it on for something different???

I just don’t want to find the LP12 rabbit hole, plus i very much like what i have and not sure what level off LP12 would match it, beat it or not get close ? Maybe i should try as pete is only down the road from me and my phono stage can take 4 inputs.
Cheers dunc

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Wow @Cohen1263 , our LP12 histories are remarkably close.
Working in between school & university funded an LP12 (with red neon on/off push button switch)/LVX/A&R P77 ( a properly posh cartridge back in the day).
As earnings accumulated, the red neon button become a Valhalla board, the LVX became an Ittok and the P77 became an Asak T followed by a truly delightful Linn Karma cartridge.
By that point the A & R Cambridge P60 amplifier became a Naim 32.5/hicap/250 and the speakers evolved from some not very good B&W through Linn Kan and Sara to the gorgeous sounding EPOS ES14 stand mounts.

The whole system had to be sold to fund parental leave for a newborn baby. Such is life.

A few years and a second child later, we started again with another LP12/Ittok & P77…

I have many fond memories of listening to music on LP12s.

Best regards, BF


Yes almost the same journey and sentiment about back in the day. Apart from the fact that I preferred the Linn Sara (the early one’s with cannon plugs) to the Epos ES14 we were like minded. But then again I preferred the Sara to the Isobarik. There was something about an on song pair of Sara’s that was very addictive!

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The P77 was a favoured cartridge in many budget systems twenty or thirty years ago. Is it still produced today?

My first LP12 cost me £292 complete with Rega arm. I think it was a Coral cartridge but that may be wrong. The Rega arm became a Syrinx PU2 and the whole thing was coupled with an A&R A60 and some Monitor Audio speakers, all in my tiny bedroom about seven feet square. That was 1979. By 1983 I was doing my PhD in Leicester and discovered the wonderful Sound Advice in Loughborough. The LP12 gained an Ekos and Karma, and I got my first Naim, a 42, snaps, 110 and Kans. The 110 lasted three months and became a 250. What a great setup. My best Linn was with Arkiv, Prefix, Aro and Armageddon. Happy days.


No. Lost in the annals.

(I have one in the back of a drawer for my endgame care home system, to match with a pair of IBLs).

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I used Sound Advise also HH. Stuart sure knew how to set up an LP12 didn’t he? His active SBL system sounded great! My favourite Linn was close to your “best” one. . But I have to say the Troika cartridge :+1:

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My experience with the LP12 started with Peter. This fortunately has created a level of expectation of what this deck should sound like-I have never heard one that is “off”. Over the years Peter built two high spec decks for me that both performed beautifully. I was present and watching during the building of both decks- both were assembled from the ground up in my home. Peter’s skill with these decks needs no further accolades. He is a master at this craft.
What instilled my utmost trust in him was his ability to recognize when things did not meet his expectations and his determination to get things “right”. I watched as he disassembled and reassembled to make corrections which he felt were necessary to complete the build to his liking. These were tiresome hours for sure and he persisted deep into the late hours of the night - listening .An additional listening session in the morning “just to make sure all was well”- crazy! He is the best ambassador that Linn could ever have. Amazing character and truly a humble man that I have the utmost respect for. Sad days if he ever chooses to retire…


Excellent post Mark.
I don’t see the Solstice on your profile page. Have you moved it on? I don’t think Bart still has his either :thinking:

Another point about @Cymbiosis, the expertise extends well beyond the LP12. Peter has been working on my Roksan now for some 15 years, several cartridge changes and most recently the Vertere arm installation. Further, if you want a Digital installation look no further.




Hi Lindsay, how does music compare with the Vertere SG tonearm vs. the Roksan Artemiz? I never did the comparison myself.

Best regards, BF

After 13yrs of upgrades to my LP12 I look back and realise that never at any point did I consider any form of demonstration. I did have a fairly clear idea of where I wanted to end up and ultimate finances determined how quickly I moved there. However, I have no desire to change anything now and the only thing that would change that would be an injection of disposable cash that would take me straight to a Klimax LP12 (And 500/Kudos system). However, this would be big bang with no incremental upgrades to get me there. In this instance, I would completely place myself at the mercy of a good dealer. Someone who could advise on alternative components (As my dream system is a peg in the ground) at my price range and make the whole process seamless and painless. My local dealer is superb but I have to say is quite focused in what they sell. They are a Naim dealer but are more Linn focused and I.e. do not offer the 500 series amps. I think the Cymbiosis approach is spot on and is exactly where I would head IF (And it’s a very big IF) that lottery win or inheritance ever materialises. If not, then I’m very happy with what I have :blush:


Well remember I acquired the SG at the same time as the XVS and 552/300 but the improvement is across the whole spectrum, far greater insight, clearly tracks better, greater fluidity, bass response etc. And as you know the engineering is of the highest level.


must be a kollektion, surely?


Turning chaos into just complexity, that’s where the skill in setting up the LP12 sits. It’s not just a matter of following a recipe, it’s also a matter of balancing (!) numerous variables, and even then actually knowing that you have achieved the best result. That’s why most of us would stand no chance of setting one up to its potential.

Nope- Solstice is still running strong :grinning:


Cool :+1:

Peter did all my LP12 work and Phil has done all my DSM work.

Always been excellent.



The thread seems to turn on Cymbiosis not shooting out vs lp12 turntables shootout at Cymbiosis place.


Hi Rob. Interesting to read of your testing - quite fancy a stiletto myself and a rad2 but still hardly listening to the main system - working too hard and mostly listening to second system now i have a desktop in the loft rather than laptop - but that seems better for my ability to work the long hours I am currently needing to. Anyway look forward to hearing about how you get on once it’s arrived

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