LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

Thanks Tim. It seems sacrilege for your S1’s not to be listened to daily :grinning:.But I get it work wise. Not me these days but I’ve been there.

Yes the dem at Cymbiosis was very interesting. Stiletto/ Scorpion were superb. Krad2 the same and a real LP12 game changer for me. It ended up being a no brainer to order the package referred to in an earlier post after all the Solstice and SME debacles.

Acoustica Pete visited for the first time in over two years a couple of weeks ago and his judgement was that our systems are roughly comparable. We are both lucky then :+1:


Yes it sounds sublime whenever I grab a listen. Yours may well sound better with sigao and 3x500dr when you get there but I just don’t have the space and I quite like the lesser number of boxes. I am not too sure about splashing out on a load of Chord cables as I am more likely to upgrade the loft system a bit first. Just seen a 52/sc which might be a nice upgrade from the 282 but maybe an ndx2 in place of the ndx might be better

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I have an NAC52/Supercap, which is a superb preamp (control amp in Naimspeak), although the units are long overdue a return to Naim HQ for service/recap.

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I used to have one (between having the 102 and the 552) for a good few years. I don’t know if it’s much of a step up from a 282, but they don’t come up very often and the one I have found was serviced last year by Darran at Class A. I also cannot remember if the received wisdom is that one needs a supercap dr with one or if a non dr is all you need. Better start a thread of my own!

Edited to add I missed the 52 so it’s all a bit irrelevant!

I can relate to this Paul. Apart from auditioning my original LP12, I have relied on recommendations. Only made one mistake, after accidental damage (only time in a v v long time with a system), I downgraded the cart, settling for a Krystal, which I soon regretted.

Interesting to reflect on original L12 purchases. First arrived 47 years ago next month, the price £286 which included Grace arm and Grado 707 cartridge, complete with rubber mat. First change was a felt mat. Sold after twenty years, part exchanged for a mint Revox B77 mk2 - both go ‘round’ and sound great, what’s not to like?

Interesting the different combos, even at that time, long ago with @HungryHalibut and @Cohen1263 illustrating quite some variety on LP12. My first tt in teenage years, purchased from holiday job wages, was a Pioneer PL12D - which was very simple although it did have the detachable head-shell.

Went on to purchase another LP12 with Aro arm and AT cartridge 25 years ago. A number of upgrades but still in regular use. Now with Keel, Karousel, Radikal 2 and Dynavector Te Kaitora rua - according to the job sheet, all a dealer recommendation. Delighted; not clear what’s what - the sound is very enjoyable with Naim phono and SC DR. Upgraditis has never taken hold, so a long time passes before changes are made unless attention is required.

Hope enjoyment to OP and @Dan_M for their new versions.


No worries as it’s all healthy debate and TBF any mentions ATM are greatly appreciated as my FB account was hacked last week :weary: Still trying to sort it out …



Good luck with your FB account. I hope you will resolve it quickly.


I know, it’s strange how these threads develop.

Always been well pleased with Cymbiosis.




Boy have I missed vinyl and can this turntable make music! Thanks to Peter S for great service and professionalism.



That’s a beauty. Enjoy !


Cheers :clinking_glasses: James.


Looking super mate stealth mode. :heart_eyes:
Urika Skorpion :thinking: :+1:t2:


Thanks Skep. Sounds as good as it looks straight from the off. Peter was as impressed as I am with how the system sounds



That’s a „wall of naim“ :heart_eyes:

I will be very interested in a nd555 vs lp12 shootout. :heart_eyes:

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What is that Triangle puck „tangerine“. Saw it sometimes - what it is for?

Velly velly nice❤️

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Thanks Gazza :+1:

It’s the Evenstar Drago. There is no mistaking it, it lifts the sound up a little higher.