LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

Well I’m not stripping mine down to put back in the box!
Is that yours @Skeptikal ?

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No mate wish it was.
I was in the right place at the right time for the conception.
It was all happening for a while. :wink: :+1:t2:

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I bought the second one “incomplete” with an intention just to use the arm wand. I worked out how to modify the mounting plate so that it can used with a Cymbiosis Lifter, the rest is Javelin heaven.



Playing Snowy White “Midnight Blues” virtually zero surface noise, pops or clicks and a truly profoundly good sound. I love your amps Naim but your Solstice/ARO2 just doesn’t sound like this.


Still you’ve got history :+1:
I think @FrankF should gift you one, only proper as the owner of two :rofl::rofl::wink:

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I second that ! :wink: :rofl: :+1:t2:

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Even with a tweaked Solstice, with a top cartridge ( top Dynavector or Lyra), Superline / Supercap, and an additional ps for the motor ?


For sure. Even the “tricked up” one didn’t make music flow like this. Seperation, integration, detail and control in the bass all better with this LP12 Klimax Plus ( as Peter S calls it) All the unwanted noise was much higher with the Solstice and even the SME 20. The package Solstice is simply well behind this LP12 Rooster


Is that good or not good?

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Is the Evenstar a new thing or did you get it at same time as the rest of LP12?

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It’s a Tangerine product Dan. Details on their website. It’s another one of those small incremental improvements. Came with the deck. I’d rather it wasn’t in a way because it’s faffy taking it off and I prefer the look of the deck without it but once heard :thinking:


I have seen them. If it works then all good. Listening to Rumours. Sounding very sweet!

So is the system complete?


Not until I have the Kudos SIGAO crossover mate. Then yes for sure.


I have an early pressing of Rumours Dan. What a great album and sound quality. I like the white album a lot also. Monday Morning and Warm Ways. A delight with Stevie Nicks I would imagine :wink:


I have 2 Rumours LPs on vinyl. I am trying to decipher what pressing earlier one is. But have put it on back burner. I have alot of my parents old records.

Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts, all sorts.

Not an easy task to work out what pressing it is as a novice.

It’s an interesting hobby and getting into these records on all levels just keeps going.

Sold phonostage by the way Rob. Sold for £1200, purchased £1350. Ebay fees and so on. Not too bad.


Post the matrix info (in the deadwax) here and we can look them up on Discogs.


I think you should be able to scan the barcode or put the barcode digits into Discogs, and it’ll tell you quite a lot. Not sure if it’ll get to pressing details, worth a look whilst you’re waiting for the Degritter to do it’s thing? :slight_smile:

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Rumours R/S Alsdorf 56344 B4 xx other side same A5.

Older records have no barcode!


Oops X)

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