LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

The trouble if one isn’t as good as the other you have inevitable comparisons and thoughts of upgrades.

Unless you accept that the LP12 and streamer are different.

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I do accept they are different but when at very different levels you feel one is lacking. Before getting the NVC TT and XX2 I was very content with the 222’s streamer section against my LP12, it was after getting more from the LP12 that I began to think I wanted more from the streamer. I guess I just want my cake and to eat it.


Cohen and Dan seem to be the best Influencers on here :wink: but certainly their experiences add to the knowledge base.

I recently added a Zeus, Tangerine Phoenix sub chassis and Karousel to my Walnut LP12 with Javelin and I am certainly very happy with that and didn’t want to go further but the idea of of an ultrasonic record cleaner stated the itch again so I have ordered a Humminguru. Unfortunately Amazon sent me a T Rex CD so I need to wait until Tuesday!!! I have a very old and dirty Leonard Cohen LP that is waiting to be reborn so I have a long weekend wait.



Yes no streamer touches the LP12 when it comes to musicality.

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Well yes, it’s just that any digital source doesn’t reproduce music like a reasonable spec (say Rega P3 upwards) TT, it’s not about better or worse but a different form of presentation. And this was highlighted to me again recently when a friend bought a Vertere DG with NDX2/555/SN3 and he just said the vinyl was preferable. But I imagine it might work the other way, if historically you’ve listened to music digitally quite possibly you won’t appreciate analogue.


Its just a choice. When i tried the Solstice i realised that flicking between tracks on albums would not work for me……and clicks and pops.
I accept that vinyl can sound great, but not for me a 2nd try.




I think it’s because humans are analogue,there will always be problems to get connected to a digital source vs a analogue.


Another Javelin owner!
Welcome to the 35 club (my latest info of how many he made/sold, I may be totally wrong :rofl:).
I absolutely love mine :+1:

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Blimey, makes the Aro look mass produced.

:rofl: As I say, could be wrong but there were very few made by Roger, whom I hope is doing well.
He delivered mine to the Sound Org, York and guided the ever dependable David in fitting it, so I’ve always felt it was special!

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Javelin Maternity Ward :wink:


I love both of mine!! The first came without the lift/lower and so the mounting plate was modified to allow a lifter to be used on a Phoenix sub-chassis.

The second was on a Raven 1 turntable but will probably go onto a second LP12 which currently has a Ittok.


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Glad to hear you’re enjoying it, Frank :+1:t2::+1:t2::blush:

Wish you were here is one of my favourite test albums as well. There’s a point at the start of the title track where you can hear Dave Gilmore shuffle on his seat, which makes it feel very authentic.

And I’ve a little bit of FOMO about your Pink Floyd Experience gig - I would have gone were it not for the fact that we’re in Europe at the moment. That said, I’m not complaining about being in Nice today given the weather in Wellington this week…

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Yep that’s a great photo :+1:

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Two? Now that’s showing off :rofl::wink:

Javelin on Tracking Test. :+1:t2:


Never seen that one :+1:

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Javelin unboxing. :scream: :+1:t2: