LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

Acknowledgement due for Linn support for LP12. Your comment re electronics is well made.

I guess one extra factor is worth mentioning. Some seven or eight years ago, I visited Linn factory.
Very interesting, small group. However Linn’s attitude to us as visitors, was in such a huge, huge contrast to an earlier visit to Salisbury, that it didn’t sit well. I had had Linn kit in some form, much earlier than Naim - various factors including being abroad and ex-dem kit at v attractive price.

While the Linn factory tour as comprehensive, there was zero hospitality. Zilch. Despite being there what, four hours, no coffee, tea etc. The demo room, promised by email turned into a damp squibb. We had been invited to bring a sample of music on usb - only to be told it couldn’t be added to their network. IIRC a few tracks from an LP12 were played, including the new (post) DBowie album - then out to the exit.

The audition left a lot to be desired and if that was show casing a Linn system, it fell well short. Come back another time was the invite - hunreds and hundreds of miles round trip - not v likely!
By coincidence I had my new (recent ex dem) 552DR in the car, having just picked it up from the dealer.
The contrast; 'nuff said. I know where very truly the better support, service and systems are found.

Best to the op on LP12 enjoyment.


I fear you spoke too soon Steve!


Whilst I don’t want to take the thread in a completely different direction I thought I may offer some context on this point…….

…… A few weeks ago I did a factory tour of the Marshall Amplification factory in Bletchley, UK.

If Linn or Naim (or anyone else) wants to see what a fabulous factory tour looks like and experience top drawer hospitality…… go visit Marshall. It was astounding.

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It’s simple. If you want to attract customers, because you are beginning or because the market is slowing down, you will roll out the red carpet, make big smiles and offer biscuits, caviar and champagne.


Choice between Rich Tea and Bubbly eh?
Much as I love Rich Tea,

pass me that bottle


Yeah…my first unedited draft didnt include ‘Linn’…bit of an invite, that edit.

Ah well…:man_shrugging:t4:

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Linn Sondek Lp 12 - 73 no 0006 :innocent: (In Sweden)


Thanks @frenchrooster

The Brinkmann Bardo itself may be priced as you say, but I heard it with arm, suitable cartridge and PS, plus recommended support. We tried their apparently excellent and expensive phono stage too. I am thinking about total source cost and comparing packages.

The whole thing was extremely good. It might well have been better net than the LP12, comparing as well as we could. However, to me (not all of those listening), the gap was not huge and did not apply to all aspects of the sound. On SQ alone, I could sensibly have picked the LP12.

On the other hand, (roughly) Selekt level LP12s seem to turn up frequently on eBay from reputable sellers for very roughly £5K. Even with less expensive attached bits, a Bardo of broadly comparable spec would cost a lot more here.

The Stiletto package cost me about £9K, including an almost unused Kleos, Keel, Ekos, Skorpion base, Radikal and a new T-cable.

Even at this level, there are sound differences. If anything, I’d put Brinkmann ahead of Vertere ahead of Stiletto for pure slam and drama, but I would put the Stiletto ahead for involvement, from the sense of air around an unaccompanied singer to swinging with Miles David. However, to my untrained and aged ears, we have now reached a level of SQ at which placement, ease of use and how it looks in a living room may well matter more than which one is most likely to make you cry when playing (say) Mahler.

Like several here I am probably just saying that, at multiple price points, the thriving market for LP12s (and the quality and size of the dealer network) mean that beating an LP12 in delivering the music I want more of would typically cost a good deal more than the LP12 option.

I accept that I could probably beat my LP12 in ways that I would occasionally notice if I spent enough money, perhaps with turntables like those you mention. However, for a lot less extra money, I could swap my 52 for a 552 and/or upgrade my NDX2/XPSDR.

Both would be more audible more of the time imho.

More likely, I’ll do none of that because it sounds great now, and I am considerably more likely to get a lot deafer than a lot richer with the passing years.

In any event, I expect that we agree that any consensus here is of no use as a guide to anyone anyway - only the OP’s ears can really help on any “What will I enjoy more than this?” question.


So if I am counting correctly - on one hand - you have now done a total of three visits?

Let’s say I understand your opinion. Not agree on all, specially that you would need to spend much more to have more enjoyment from a turntable and from what it can offer you in term of sound.
But does it really matter? This thread is for lp12 aficionados so I will not spoil their pleasure.

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Perhaps Peter Green’s greatest track of all time


Excellent write up and it sounds like you had quite a bit of fun.

Peter has been coming to visit me on this side of the pond since 2010. Unfortunately a new second home has resulted in missing him during his last two post COVID Stateside visits. Two weeks ago he popped over to return my deck back to Klimax (and then some) specification - qualifier - Aro tonearm since 2003.

A new Karousel, Klimax Radikal 2 (replacing a Radikal 1 Dynamik), and Ekstatik (replacing a Kandid) were installed. Plinth has remained my drop dead gorgeous Harban curly maple from Chris’s “golden era” of plinth production. My Urika 1 was removed (perhaps @Cohen1263 you now have it ?) so I could start using the internal phono stage of my new DarTZeel preamp. For what it is worth, and not subscribing much to “reviewers”, Martin Colloms in his HiFi Critic review rated the DarTZeel internal stage as the equivalent of a high end 10k-15k gbp stage, while our own Mikey Fremer has used the internal DarTZeel stage to conduct several of his reviews. I guess a long way of saying I have been blown away with the results a totl phono stage can provide.

Even though I have a 7k vinyl collection I had fallen into the same trap many others have and spent the last good number of years primarily listening to streaming, especially after moving to a dCS Rossini several years ago. Vinyl took a decidedly back seat in my listening habits.

I have to say with the new performance level of my LP12 the table has been turned and vinyl is quickly returning to my preferred method of playback. I am fortunate in having a large enough collection where an overwhelming majority of my records are from back in the day ie all analogue.

The old fruit box still has it. You are in good hands and I am sure you will enjoy your new turntable.



Lovely arm! I may have to get one, one day…


Yes, really lovely, unfortunately don’t know what brand it is Richard.

Edit: Appears to be a Grace G-174 Wooden Tonearm :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Gregg

I have two hifi friends that have been visiting me for years and the two tracks that they always ask me to play from my collection are the brilliant PG track and “Double Trouble” from Eric Clapton’s “Just One Night”. Once heard on a good system never forgotten by a blues fan IMO.

Yes I believe I have bought your Urika and possibly Radikal 1 ?

Peter showed me a pic of your deck in situ. Lovely! He also said that your new kit sounds awesome! Congrats on that and your LP collection. That’s three times the volume of mine :sunglasses: although I’m blessed also with plenty of 1st press analogue :pray:.


I had the exact same experiences in the early 2010s with Tiger Paw Khan and sKale. I still remember the feeling of relief when I put my first record on immediately after having the old top plate reinstated.

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Grace 714.

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When I auditioned Linn v Naim, I had just read an article about Naim’s belief in servicing and the longevity of their products, - at that point I went with Naim

Haven’t regretted it.

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Yes, sometimes Google is not your best friend as they claim…:smile: Thanks for correct answer

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I have Linn and Naim products in my home. I’m not sure that I think that either is really any better than the other.

Any LP12, for example, can be brought up to current spec, even if lots of the internals will likely be heading for a skip.

Naim are generally pretty good, but I have discovered to my cost that they have pretty much given up support of virtually all their CD players.