LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

Late to this thread and a few points I’d like to make to clarify a few things:
Yes. Remember it was me that sorted all the loads for the Superline with Steve Sells all those years ago… And showed how the Airplug body benefitted the the performance of the load plugs, which the factory then implemented as an option.



Hi Graham, hoping you are well ?

I was really referring to electronics , as I understand it Linn just gave up servicing electronics - Naim’s difficulty with CD mechanism sourcing is documented - though I had my CDX2 converted in a CDX2.2 a couple of years ago.

My LP 12 when I (foolishly) (very foolishly ) traded it in for the CDX 2 was promptly broken up for spares , something which at the time upset me slightly as I hoped it was going to a good home …

I am quite sure Linn or dealers like Peter Swain or Colin Macey could update /service any LP12 , I just wonder how far that goes to their electronics ? With Naim the will is there , but sometimes the parts are just not available

Take care



I wouldn’t.
For the money, the Naia is great BTW. Set-up is key for the LP12 and I’ve been banging on about this for years and years.
Sometimes a plug and play product works better, I can understand that.
Take the sidedness of the felt mat… Many can’t tell the difference, and call it snake oil… Nope! The deck is not set up and so is unable to show the differences, even though the differences can be clearly heard if the deck is set up properly.
That’s my view.




Could do but 552 active with 250s gives a demonstrable upgrade path at perhaps slightly more realistic/affordable prices to the wider Naim buying client. 250 passive, 2 x 250 bi-amp and then 3x 250 active with 808s. Of course if one can afford 3 x 500 then great! :call_me_hand:


Yes the Aura is awesome for the money and Cohen 1263 can evaluate this in future. For now, using a low cost second-hand Urika is the best deployment of funds IMHO


There are some good and some not so good! Everyone thinks they can make an upgrade for the LP12… Wrong! Careful A/B demos evaluating the “upgrade” individually, will allow you to hear for your selves as to whether it’s true or not.


Good point! Some do and some don’t for sure.


Giving client’s choice with many of the LP12 upgrades able to be heard individually.


The image I was referring to , there is a whole wall of swords, each distinctive

The LP12s are a fabulous sight


Yes I used to catch the bus back from Oxford in the early 1980s as Listen Inn was a Saturday job that helped me support myself at college.
The partnership between me and the owner of Listen Inn ended in 19997 after many happy years, but it was time to strike out on my own and Listen Inn (Leicester) I re-named Cymbiosis given I’m a biologist by education in late 1997. From memory the Northampton shop closed as you said. I think it was in about 2002 but I can’t recall.




If the component parts aren’t made anymore then it makes life very difficult for manufacturers whether Linn or Naim or whoever and in the specific case of Naim CD players, perhaps we should point the finger at Philips :roll_eyes:


Ah! :sweat_smile: I haven’t seen the film - I seem to always be busy here and there…I need to try to find some time to put my feet up by the sound of it :man_shrugging:


Is there a reason you called the business Cymbiosis, rather than Symbiosis?

That’s a fair point, Peter.

I could never really understand Naim’s logic that led them to using various Philips mechanisms in their CD players. If they could marshal the skills necessary to make a range as diverse as preamps (control amps in Naimspeak!), power amps, tuners, a (fantastic!) tonearm, two AV processors, loudspeakers (including even a prototype electrostatic), why did they rely on various (changing) Philips CD mechs?

Yes, back in 1997 when checking with business names there was a music company using the correct spelling so not to be out done given my biological interests/education and a symbiotic relationship/mutually beneficial relationship, was then, and still is, exactly the way I consider that we do things here, so I changed the spelling from an S for a C to get Around the problem. And in someways it’s slightly more musical :wink:
Interestingly, a dealer in the Netherlands who certainly sells Linn decided to change his name to something that is very close to ours!! I’m not bothered though, as I don’t think anybody would mistake me/us here for anybody else :sunglasses:


Thanks Peter, I knew there had to be a good reason.

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I really liked the SME turntables when SME were SME.
the latest ones are really ugly

It has one of the most amazing scenes - and swords feature heavily

They still do the model 20 and 30, and they upgraded considerably the motor and ps.
The 60 looks a bit different.
The Synergy is not to my taste.

Of course, you benefit from spreading that myth.