LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

I think that secretly you want an LP12 with Urika and Radikal 2. You are maybe in denial Mr FR :rofl:


I was using a Chord Music IC from (Superline) Supercap to S1 and I’ve sent that down to Chord to be re terminated as a 5 pin DIN to 2 x RCA which will connect to the Urika.


No he really doesn’t

Congratulations @Cohen1263. I was only going to get a Radikal 1 or 2 Akurate. But I thought just do it once and then it’s done. It’s the right decision.


Perfect Dan


I am very very excited for us both! :smiling_face:


Can you tell me again what the full spec of your deck will be?

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Of course. So it’s Ekos SE tonearm 2018, Keel, Karousel, standard top plate, existing Linn original plinth was black has been sanded and refinished in light wood finish, cart is Kandid 50 hours use, Radikal Black Machined Klimax 2, nearly new, Urika 1 nearly new. So only original bits are plinth, outer platter and top plate.

It’s pretty much standard Linn Klimax spec, but with previous top of range cart. Current top of range is now the Ekstatik.

This is from thursday.

At moment it’s Kore, Karousel, Ekos 2, Dynavector XX2 Mk11, Lingo 1. Tom Evans The Groove + SRX P/S phonostage, Trampolin 2.


Great. So as near as damn it your deck (to be) was the one we started off listening to on Saturday. It sounded fantastic! Happy days mate.


I was just going to keep the Ekos 2 and get the Radikal 1 or 2 Akurate only. And maybe Keel.

But I was able financially to go full Klimax. And get the 552DR. So I did.


Yes, the same apart from cart. I thought the Dynavector I have wouldn’t be as good as a Kandid in the end. That was an extra purchase on the Bay!

I do tend to buy everything used if I possibly can. But I like the best of everything too!

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I get that. Great synergy then. The DVs work really well in the ARO ( as do Lyra’s by all accounts) so I think we will both be well set. When I went from tricked up Solstice to SME 20 I lost something that encouraged me to listen for longer periods of time. The SME was rock solid, clean and tight but a little uninspiring. Your spec Linn defo brings that thrill factor back IMO.


I have heard my spec LP12 with 552DR and 500DR many times and so now this is my ultimate system!

I set myself this as a goal since I heard it about 4 or 5 years ago.

To attain one’s goals is a big thing!


So this is a really big deal for me.


Yeah but @frenchrooster likes a giggle :rofl:


Until the Radikal 3 comes out :crazy_face::crazy_face::grinning:

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Yes he and I have shared a lot of likes over the past three years. But we don’t agree on this occasion. Fair play


I upgraded my LP12 previously earlier this year. And have done alot of upgrades in very quick succession of late, including the 500DR.

To be honest. It’s partly out of fear that I am running out of time.

Anyway, I am bloody well enjoying it so it’s good for me!


I know mate. My system is part of me. So if my system is attacked, I am being attacked. Sometimes small things become big things.

I know I can take things very personally at times. Othertimes I am okay. But that’s me.

Like you said to me one time “Ignore the Boo Boys Dan!”

Wise advice.

Congratulations to you @Cohen1263 on what can only be described as one hell of s system!

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