LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

That should be the icing on the cake @Cohen1263. I thought I had an allergy to Chord cables having tried SarumT vs SuperLumina interconnects between my Streamer and preamp. It was a classic case of the Chord sounds obviously better in terms of clarity, timbre, depth etc., but every time I put the SL back in, the smile came back to my face and the goosebumps to my skin. So, when I was speccing my LP12 and Peter suggested trying a SarumT between Urika and 552 I was not sure at all and prepared for the worst, but it just works brilliantly. Maybe it’s about the handling of such a delicate signal between phono and pre? Who knows. I can only guess that Music is a great deal better again in that role and having an S1 on the other end will make that link all the more important. Enjoy!


No need to hide a dissenting view here – it’s obvious that many others share concerns about the cost of the Linn eco-system and the ‘silly’ costs of a simple PS when compared to other manufacturers. Yes, a top-flight Tangerine-plinth’ed LP12 can sound very good, but the overall cost is pretty frightening, but the good bit is you can achieve this gradually.


Excellent post and thank you for sharing!


Indeed and the support you are getting on the forum is refreshing to observe. We are an odd lot Dan IMO. Many of us, even if we have quite a few friends, are quite insular ( let’s face it sitting on our own for hours on end listening to music is considered odd by many outsiders) and listening to music can be very cathartic. It has been for me through my life so I think I can speak for others when I say that we want you to really enjoy your system.


Well said @Cohen1263 ! I thought I was on me own…seems not….phew!!!


It really doesn’t need to cost so much - if bought second hand. I’m sure that at some point in the future I’ll buy one too and have it re-setup by some specialist. Peter is quite popular on this forum, but there are many more specialists out there and for what I read it’s not rocket science but just a bit patience and attention to detail.

In this respect a lp12 is not different than other turntables.

For now I’ll have fun with my thorens 165 and 72/hi/140.


Hi Gregg

Thank you for sharing. How is your Dartzeel preamp ? Do you use a Dartzeel poweramp. An old friend of mine swapped his 552 3 x 500 DBL for passive Dartzeel and speaks highly. I’ve never heard it though.

Best regards

I started LP12 journey with current deck and added a Lingo, Cirkus bearing and Goldring G1042 replacement stylus. That was all I needed for many years. The cost? Around £2000. Not expensive really.

Cheaper than alot of decks.

You don’t need to spend a fortune on a good LP12.


The deck that I’m buying has cost me no more money than the SME 20 did Happy Listener and it sounds better IMO. I think most folk would find what we’ve paid for our amplifiers “frightening” but it didn’t stop either of us buying them did it? :blush:


Hi FR,
It’s a lot of money for a wooden frame with a few bits of turned aluminium & steel, isn’t it.

Look, there’s always the option of Vertere turntables. They are mainly a couple of bits of perspex, so dead cheap and great value.
Hang on a minute :scream: :scream: :scream:

Best regards, BF :joy:


Hahaha :joy:
I deserved it :grin:
But frankly, I even think that Vertere is still overpriced. I discovered with a great surprise that the MG1 had a simple SMPS , for a something like 10k package of turntable and arm.
Maybe SME is not so different. They sell an old Thorens 124, with some upgraded parts and a nice shiny wood plinth for 20k, lol.

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Don’t forget the built-in dac which generates the motor drive current profiles in the Tempo power supply. Unfortunately, for a mere £million or so extra, there is the Imperium power supply which is even better, considerably better.

Bring back the Dual 505, I say.


Your snarky comment is way off the mark, and plain wrong.

Setting up an LP12 is not straightforward, it takes skill and experience - which Peter Swain has in abundance. He recently set up my second LP12 for a small system based around a refurbished ARO and rebuilt Linn Troika as source for a Nait50 and Falcon LS3/5As. It sounds wonderful.


I agree that it is significantly overpriced. I would never purchase a brand-new LP12; if I were considering spending that much in a single turntable purchase, I would likely opt for a P10 or a DG-1S. The main reason I became interested in LP12s is that by exploring used and third-party components, they can be assembled at a much more reasonable cost, offering excellent value for money.


I beg to differ as I find it find it relatively simple, but I do agree It does take skill and experience, and I don’t doubt Mr Swain has plenty of both, but he’s far from being the only one. I do enjoy looking at the pictures you share of your setups, they must sound amazing for sure.

I didn’t mean to aggravate anyone, I just don’t like cults of personality.


It is not a cult of personality. I have only ever had two people look after my LP12s - Ray Horn of Grahams HiFi in London (who has retired), and Peter Swain.

By coincidence or otherwise, they were the two people who persuaded Linn to make a version of the Keel subchassis available for the ARO tonearm.

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Is it Thursday yet? I’m looking forward to @Dan_M install day. Did I get Thu right?

It’s not, and you’re right, it is!

I think most of the Forum are waiting for Dan Thursday :partying_face:


I bought a DG1 - it’s a local company to me. Turned out to be useful as there was something really not right with it out of the box. I sent them a video (it wouldn’t track) and they said ‘bring it over if you are local’. 90 mins later and a coffee in a local cafe I had a part ‘S’ upgraded deck that’s been utterly amazing. Very nice people at Vertere


and if your not?:thinking: