LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

Hi Dev

Nice to hear from a fellow forum “veteran” from the old days. I need to temper what I say as we are, after all, on the Naim forum. Let me start by saying that my 18 years of 552/500 ownership (both non and later DR versions) provided immeasurable amounts of listening satisfaction. They were, and continue to be, top line kit. With that said I am finding the DarTZeel preamp + amplifier combination to be on a different level - the next step up in the journey - and actually, as others have said, perhaps the final step and end game of the journey. These are in the category of your last system which will remain with you forever.

I will also add it is a welcome breath of fresh air to reduce box count, reduce cable count, and no longer have to perform annual maintenance tasks (Fraim rebuild, DIN contact cleaning, Burndy shaking etc.). I have a simple two box system with the pre connected to the amp utilizing a simple pair of 50 ohm reasonably priced DarTZeel BNC cables. The LP12 utilizes the extremely highly rated DarTZeel internal phono stage and I have my original Aro tonearm cable re terminated RCA going into the DarTZeel pre. The dCS Rossini APEX has a Chord Music RCA cable connecting it to the pre. Truly a model of simplicity. The units do not need to be powered 24/7 and they come on song in 10-15 minutes.

Totally engaging, involving, toe tapping PRAT which simply goes to the next level. More of everything - and MUSICAL.

PS - I will add that my DarTZeel demo was not of the separates (not available that day) but of their $45k super integrated 8550. That demo was convincing enough to have me pull the trigger and move on from my 552/500. I could have been extremely happy living just with the 1 box super integrated - the problem was 25 years of Naim ownership conditioned me to be constantly on the upgrade merry go round. I decided to learn from that experience and simply go for the separates - eliminating any evil upgrade thoughts down the line.

** I have recently had two different dealers come to visit for various reasons (I do not want to say why as that may reveal their identity). Both, veteran dealers of Naim etc., were highly impressed with what they heard. There is no denying the DarTZeel musicality.

Lets be honest - when at the level of Naim 500 series, DarTZeel, and some of the other uber brands - there really is no bad sounding kit. They all are good - perhaps some "more good’ than others :wink:

Now back to the original thread topic and sorry for the derail.



And since this is a LP12 thread I would like to add, and not wanting to get into the mud as others have said, that I completely disagree with the posters comment that there is a “myth” to LP12 setup. I was one of the unfortunate ones who lived for several years with a LP12 setup by one of the “experts” on this side of the pond. Yes the LP12 is not overly complicated however the first time Peter came over to work on my deck, back in 2010, I was able to see with my own eyes the amount of incorrect poor installation bodges and shortcuts my USA “expert” undertook. It actually took two different trips over to rectify the damage.

There is a BIG difference in how a LP12 sounds when set up by someone who is as meticulous and relentless as he is. Yes, and he will say, there are other highly competent fettlers in the UK (no one left Stateside unfortunately) however there is a large contingent of international customers quite happy someone is willing to get on the plane and log the miles.

Now…back to the music


Style Study LP 12… (From LinnArts, Sweden)


Disagreement is wonderful and encouraged, but in my defense I clearly said “Something would need to be way off to affect SQ in any meaningful way”, and by your description of the ordeal it seems to be the case, so we may not be in disagreement after all.


Those are great photos, Bjorn, but you should put a caption under each, explaining what we’re seeing in the pic.

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Yes, had I known what all the things were I would have done it Graham, thought the pictures were nice enough to share anyway. In any case, the last pictures are an upgrade of plinth and top entirely in aluminum milled from a single block. (Tangerine Audio) If it is of general disapproval, I can of course remove the photos…

Is the one showing a green LP being played a photo of a Syrinx PU7?

Apparently a wonderful sounding tonearm, but one which goes “off” if you so much as look at it, because the bearings are so sensitive!

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I see the discussions and can only add that one should be happy to have such knowledgeable dealers nearby.

I know that many of you are UK based, but there are also people on this forum who live in other countries and where a knowledgeable dealer is not around the corner. For example: I had a 275 km one-way trip for my Linn Selekt DSM Edition Hub, just to give you an example… for me - and I suspect also for others on this Forum - a turntable such as a Rega P8/P10 is a welcome addition that can relatively easy be installed …


Touraj is passionate about ensuring all his customers enjoy music from their Vertere turntables. If something is wrong, his team will find a way to look after you wherever you are.
It’s a similar customer service ethos to that demonstrated by Naim.

Best regards, BF


Yes, this is very true. I was talking with my dealer today - he’s in Auckland - 170km from here. I was discussing upgrade options and how they can’t really be demonstrated. He has a new Majik and a used Klimak (without a cart) spec at the moment, and a Seleck waiting to be picked up - so could demo 2 of those. But he can’t demo an upgrade equivalent of my LP12. At the end of day, his advice is that all the LP12 upgrades are an improvement and it’s a case of knowing your end spec and budget and working to that.

He also sells Rega’s, but can’t demo a P8/10 either.


Looks to be an Audio Origami PU7 ti.
The arm is a distant descendant of the Syrinx PU3.
I can’t speak for the Syrinx but having owned a PU7 (with the "standard alloy armtube) for a couple of years, and having heard an Aro, Ittok and a couple of Ekos, I don’t feel the need to look anywhere else.
No bearing issues, easy to set up and handle and beautifully made too

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That’s good to hear - earlier variants had a dodgy reputation. I recall that earlier versions were developed and made by someone called Scott Strachan - is he still involved?

No idea
John Nilsen (J7) of Audio Origami builds the PU7 arms

“Anyway, I am bloody well enjoying it so it’s good for me!”

And that’s important at the moment

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Of course, you benefit from spreading that myth.

Well this is from someone who doesn’t own a Linn you need to be able to identify fact from myth. Granted some TTs being plug and play require little in the way of settling, but otherwise the LP12 and others benefit from proper set up and indeed maintenance. Go figure.

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Sounds good BF, that’s what we all want, State of the art service.

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Mr Swain’s Swedish apartment?

No, Lennart Svensson at LinnArts.


I was given the option of having it collected. I chose to bring it in (5 miles away).

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