Unfortunately, PL Lite is only available in UK.
Current system is far better than it has ever been. I can’t afford to upgrade boxes right now, but am wondering whether I can improve SQ with new power cables.
I’m tempted to try a Furutech FP-TCS31 PC-TripleC Power Cable, especially on my NAP 150x (or even the 272?). Some report that it makes a major improvement to their power amps, for others it does nothing or makes them sound worse.
But I’m also considering Hydra type solutions.
(I have a double wall socket by the rack. One socket feeds the other stuff on a cheap extension block. The 272 is plugged into the other socket. The 150x is currently plugged into a cheap extension block that comes across from the other side of the room. There’s no point in rewiring this house as we plan to move in the next couple of years.)
Ok simple solution to this for now. The double wall socket by the rack - use this for the 272 and 150x. Plug the other stuff into the extension block which runs off the socket on the other side of the room you were using for the 150x.
Once you’ve done this, try swapping the Powerline lite to the 150x from the 272 and see where it works best. Other than that I’d not bother with other power cables - marginal if any effects.
Thanks - good attempt to help.
I did try the exact cable swop you mentioned yesterday, and it sounded significantly worse, i.e. I lost more from the 272 than I gained from the 150x.
The problem with that other extension block is that I would then have to daisy chain long extension blocks together and run them past the hifi and TV, which seems likely to create more problems of noise and clutter than it solves.
But James, when you say that “I’d not bother with other power cables - marginal if any effects”, that implies that the entire high end power cable business around the world is an vast con job and all the literally millions of hifi users who think they improved the sound of their systems with high end power cables are kidding themselves.
Presuably this would also apply to Powerlines - or are they exempt from your disbelief in anything but stock power cables?
Is this another cablegate moment!?
I’d look at a solution where you have your extension lead for your other bits with a long enough cable (no need to daisy chain them) to reach the other socket and free up the double one for your two Naim items. This is a much more effective mains solution than having the two Naim items plugged into different sockets. You may find the Powerline lite swap is more effective in this arrangement.
I’m not a great fan of the high end cable business but if it makes people happy then that’s good for them. Powerlines seem to have some sensible engineering in them (the decoupling aspect and the floating pins) and have decent sized conductors so they may be a step up on the basic Naim offering.
I only have a two tail hydra which I used specifically with a Hicap and then Supercap and a Nap power amp into a single non switched socket and as I said small but noticeable and very worthy upgrade.
Another Graham’s Hydra fan here, 1-4. Very pleased with it.
I’d have to get a 7 or 8 metre extension lead to do this. But, yes, that would let me plug both Naim boxes into that double wall socket.
Is it worth getting a good block like a Wireworld Matrix for the TV and other stuff? Might it improve the TV picture a bit?
That’s what I’d do Jim - a much better solution. I’d just go for a standard block without any filtering or surge protection as it’s going to be sat on the same ring main (that supplies all the sockets in your room) as the socket the Hi-Fi is on.
Ok - so if I decide not to get a Hydra, I will get a standard block with a 7m extension cable.
If anyone knows of a good brand of standard block that will come with a 7m cable please let me know.
Maybe Graham’s should build a Powerline Hydra?
I would not bother with any hydra leads or multiway extension blocks with a two or three box system. Better to use a twin or a triple switchless socket and use PowerLine Lites instead.
100% agree with Stephen, hydra’s are very unwieldy (mating octopus) Also what to do when you want to upgrade & add another box
i used to run a dedicated earth for my active system as this was more or less what Naim (and my then Dealer) recommended. As I recall, I used to get an impedance of 10-100ohms (used to water it often!), compared to something like (0-10ohms) for house earth. SQ-wise, this worked very well – but for some reason I cannot fathom, the system seemed prone to static electricity (in particular the 552 head). I don’t use the dedicated earth anymore and the static issue is now completely gone – I havent changed the clothes I wear – and the room is exactly the same in terms of carpets etc. Not sure I understand fully what was going on – and any possible cause/effect – but there is a bit of me that doesn’t really care to be honest… I am happy with my simpler set up now…
I came across a paper discussing in detail the dedicated earth issues in connection with Hifi – I will try to find the link and share it with anyone interested.
Would it be easy for an electrician to turn a double wall socket into a triple one?
Yes, but be aware that in the UK a triple outlet will have an additional integral fuse fitted.
have a few questions pertaining to mains so i thought of asking :-
a. Is the standard mains power cord that comes with a SN2 amplifier in any way different from that of a Naim 5i-2 ? maybe in thickness etc… ??
b. On the rear of the Naim SN2 - power input - which is the L, N and Gnd ?
or maybe Naim wiring is different for L & N ?
I am trying to match the LIVE ( in my mains ) to the LIVE i/p on the SN2 rear panel socket…
trying to see if that has anything to do with a high pitch sound i get from my tweeters when the amp is ON but not playing music.
Well just search for “Double To Triple Wall Socket Converter”. Used behind our telly.