Manfred Eicher And ECM's amazing recordings

Will you listen to them through from start to finish in chronological order?

Does your other half enjoy Jarrett too?

My wife and I spend evenings together listening to music all the time. She likes almost everything I like, except for some free jazz and the most avante-garde jazz. But she has really stretched her comfort zone during our marriage and is generally very open to hearing things at least once.

When I get the Sun Bear Concerts I’ll listen to Tokyo first. That’s my favorite. After that, from disc one to the end. :slightly_smiling_face:


My favorite release from the past few years is “Playing the Room” by Avishai Cohen and Yonathan Avishai. Might be something for you.

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I have also ordered this and very much look forward to its arrival, UK distributor said this coming Friday for delivery. My other Jarrett solo vinyls (Bremen/Lausanne, Koln, Bregenz and Staircase) sound lovely so I have high hopes for a fully analogue vinyl of the SB concerts. Nearly got an original German ECM copy a little while ago but the seller withdrew it from sale after I had pressed buy and paid on Discogs which was very disappointing. I am hopeful that this repress version will live up to the quality sound of the original ECM vinyls which was always pretty excellent in my experience.

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