Manufacturer threatens lawsuit over negative review

Some insights into manufacturers reactions to negative reviews.
Fortunately, this seems to have ended well.


Yeah I saw this it was insane. I really hope audio brands stop doing this. Apparently a speaker manufacturer called tekton has been causing issues for a YouTuber called Erinā€™s audio corner too.


Ended better for the reviewer than the manufacturer, what a PR disaster, schoolboy errors.


I think before manufacturers would threaten magazines or websites they would remove their advertising from the publication or website. This canā€™t be done to you tubers so now they are trying to bully them via legal means. Not a new behaviour just a new way for some manufacturers to continue being unpleasant jerks.


I was sufficiently irked by this that I sent an email to dCS over the weekend saying how disappointed I was with the way they were handling this issue (if true), and am so pleased to hear that they have come to their senses. (Not that my email made any difference! :grinning: )


These legal actions are happening all over YouTube, manufacturers threaten to sue any poor review in hopes of scaring them offā€¦ and in many cases it works. Most of the reviewers do not have the means to protect themselves in court and legal departments know this. This approach can backfire and dCS is a perfect case study on not what to do.


Sadly, referring to them is verboten on the forum so any comments naming them will be removed by Richard. But I once saw a demonstration of theirs (and not naming anything, Iā€™m hoping Richard leaves this) where ā€œtheyā€ put a scope on a digital coax output. The output clearly had some noise with some voltage spikes which were never explained ā€¦ because the presented of the said publication said, ā€œsee these voltage spikes, thatā€™s what jitter is on a digital connection and now you know what jitter is too!ā€

I was just struggling for anything to say that did not include really vile insults and four letter words. I came up blank.

But it does highlight a problem I see with this hobby. It can be technical and the amount of details and knowledge is vast. More vast than even the most ardent qualified expert. But it is also knowledge presented like an iceberg. The amateur grasps just the tip of knowledge and thinks they know it all but they are unaware of the other 90% even exists in their ignorance. That publication is very much like that.

  • The novice looks at subject matter and thinks, ā€œThis is so complex. I hardly understand any of this.ā€
  • The moderately experienced person looks at subject matter and thinks, ā€œIā€™ve cracked it. I understand this. Iā€™m an expert.ā€
  • Then, if they ever get over themselves to become an expert they look at subject matter and realise (again), ā€œThis is so complex. I hardly understand any of this.ā€

A lot of forum members are on the second of those categories too.


And the true experts say ā€¦ every day is a school dayā€¦ā€¦

BTW I really donā€™t think consumer audio replay is unduly complex from an electronics and mechanics perspective. I think the psychological and cognitive perspective is likely where the true complexities lie.

Assuming a review is objective and substantiated, any company who aims to suppress this by using the courts should be boycotted in my opinion. The appropriate behaviour would be to challenge objectively or ignoreā€¦ corporate bullying, vexatious claims or intimidation should end in failure for the company concerned.

A colleague of mine many many years ago had a web site name called easypeasy ā€¦ with a graphic of a lemon aligned to the expression ā€˜easy peasy lemon squeezy ā€˜ . It was a reseller website of gadgets and labour saving productsā€¦ he started trading in the early 2000sā€¦ Easyjet then several years later via their lawyers required him to change his name of his web site and businessā€¦ he stood his groundā€¦ though he felt intimidatedā€¦ in the end I understand easyJet made him an out of court financial offer to buyout his nameā€¦ which was accepted. Just goes to show if you are sure of your rights donā€™t let yourself be intimidated.

Parking fines where you have the evidence that you been wronged is another area you should always challenge if necessary in courtā€¦ so many organization just donā€™t expect the common person to challengeā€¦ and their cases collapse when you doā€¦ again they rely on intimidationā€¦ but that is another matter.


Iā€™ve spent most of my life under the following two assumptions:

  • Iā€™m a moron.
  • Eventually other people will also see it.

How happy is the moron,
He doesnā€™t give a damn.
I wish I were a moron,
My god, perhaps I am.


ā€¦thank you Gordon :grinning:


ā€¦and as Naim have said (especially Steve S. IIRC), just because it tests better on a rig, it doesnā€™t necessarily mean it sounds better (the latter of course being a highly subjective evaluation in itself).


Iā€™ve removed the dealerā€™s video here. Would members please not post unauthorised links to commercial sites or their social media. Thanks.

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Absolutely 100% agree. Even if the review is stupid, wrong, or suspicious. Sadly, a lot of companies get in on heavy handed litigation these days.

Luckily in the UK with negative reviews. You can only seek a legal remedy for a negative online review if it is defamatory . Defamation is when a person or companyā€™s reputation is harmed or is likely to be harmed by something false. Therefore if your review is stated as your opinion and not as fact unless you are sure of your facts then you are legally safeā€¦ in the UK at least, and of course you take a company to civil court if they intimidate you or try and suppress your opinions through a vexatious claim.


I went to grammar school in the late 1960ā€™s/early 1970ā€™s & was constantly told that I, & my fellow pupils, represented the top 20% of the countries intelligence quota.

I have spent a lot of my life since then thinking ā€œif I am the top 20%, god help usā€ā€¦


Sadly itā€™s all to common. A well known enterprise software company that Iā€™m unable to name for reasons I wonā€™t go into, is known to make more money via litigation and taking other companies to court than it does from selling itā€™s software. Their litigation team is considered a profit centre.

I wonder if ā€žtheir ā€ž disguised intention is to promote their own Chinese products and disqualify the west competition.

The grammar school certainly didnā€™t teach you grammar though! Sorry, I couldnā€™t resist.


Who knows. But this specific case, neither the manufacturer or reviewer come off great. Iā€™d steer clear of the pair of them.

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