Maurizio Pollini R.I.P

Great Italian pianist Maurizio Pollini passed away today, aged 82.


Sad news. A true great of the piano. RIP and thanks for the wonderful performances Maestro.

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Indeed another great maestro died. I wasn’t so much in favor of his style of playing, but respected him for his art.


I was lucky enough to see Signor Pollini a number of times in the RFH in concerts conducted by his childhood friend Claudio Abbado during Abbado’s tenure at the helm of the LSO.

His recordings of the complete Beethoven piano sonatas is surely the best ever, and he made a number of great concerto records with Karl BĹ“hm (Beethoven and Brahms).

He retired from the concert platform some years ago, but was occasionally tempted into the recording studio after that.

It would be wonderful if DG were to re-release his recordings as a memorial - on vinyl, please!

By a strange coincidence, I bought a new LP of his first ever record, Chopin’s First Piano Concerto (on EMI) last week. I shall try to find time to play it tonight or tomorrow.

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Just listened to his Schoenberg disc - my entry into his music

Later today Chopin and Schubert.

Maestro Pollini thank you for your music. Requiescat in pace.

Desert Island disc (s)…


One of the greatest recordings of all time.

R.I.P Maurizio.


I agree with your assessment. I don’t think that those recordings have ever been equalled, let alone bettered. If you listen carefully, you may hear Pollini exhale as his hands come down hard on the keys.

I have the set on very old LPs, with the booklet autographed by Pollini before an RFH concert.


Sad news. I was wondering what drew me to play his Beethoven concertos this week.

Sad indeed.


This recording is one of my most favourite things on vinyl.

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I had that LP - wonderful. It’s now on a double CD, with Webern’s Variations, and Boulez’s Second Sonata.
Saw him play in the nineties.

I was fortunate to see him play in Amsterdam on a number of occasions. Always exciting as he could be very nervous, but grand as well. Truly one of the greats.


These recordings are the ones I immediately think of when Pollini’s name is mentioned. A true giant of the keyboard. RIP

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