Melco N10 part 2

Did you rip them using Asset on a PC the first time?

No. I ripped them to a Unitiserve.

Doesn’t it check that before the rip starts?

I’m just in the test of Melco N1A using it as upnp source to feed ND555. On the Melco are different files ripped by/from D100 (Melco’s CD transport), blue-ray and standard CD transporter (EAC, itunes). The results are interesting! Apart from that, they have wav, aiff and flac files stored to compare. My findings so far…

  • I can hear a difference btw. D100 rip and CD standard rip. Especially highs and fine details (strings!!!)
  • Compared the Melco with other upnp sources I have, it’s much much darker, more “live” and shows much more colours…think about a glas of fresh opened champagner vs one glas that stands open for 2h.
  • Compared the upnp Melco file vs roon on Innous (with internal music), the Melco wins. It sounds so natural…
    My summary:
    -if you don’t want roon go for a Melco!!! Easy to use, great quality, dead silence, superior SQ.
    -if you plan to rip your CDs, try to get a D100. do it only once - but if you do it, do it right:.)
    (sorry for typos, i’m not natvie english speaker:-))
    Now I try to convince my wife that SHE needs one…
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I am referring to Roon. It’s not matching whatever is ripped.

Can you be a bit more specific about where I can find the unidentified files?

I will when I am home and can post pictures. Not sure if your used to using focus as it gives you options to filter on certain criteria. Unidentified being one of them.

I haven’t used it before, but I’m looking at it now. I can’t find a filter for ‘unidentified’. Please post pictures when you are at home.

I have the same as you, and very pleased. In the screen settings, don’t choose the direct mode. The Ethernet mode is much better.

thanks frenchrooster, will try this later!

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There’s no reason not to use Roon with Melco.

Setting Direct mode I think it’s impossible to see your files from iPad or iPhone

afaik it’s not possible to run in Melco roon core,so I would need again an external core device…

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think the dealer set it to “hybrid”?

On N10 they called it isolated mode as direct mode But I use it bridge mood

There have been other reports on the forum where people have preferred Innuos to Melco… Best evaluate both for oneself.

I have Innous :slight_smile: testing a Melco now!

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I have a Qnap which was my music store before the Melco, and which serves as one of my backups. I have roon core running on a usb SSD attached to that.

ah, thanks!!

Not Meni, it’s possible. It’s even the mode recommended by Melco. Dark Bear and me have already reported on this.
( it’s different from direct Ethernet connection in the melco switch).

Apart that, did you made some changes ? Did your system improved in sound? ( box …)