Melco N10 part 2

I haven’t used it before, but I’m looking at it now. I can’t find a filter for ‘unidentified’. Please post pictures when you are at home.

I have the same as you, and very pleased. In the screen settings, don’t choose the direct mode. The Ethernet mode is much better.

thanks frenchrooster, will try this later!

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There’s no reason not to use Roon with Melco.

Setting Direct mode I think it’s impossible to see your files from iPad or iPhone

afaik it’s not possible to run in Melco roon core,so I would need again an external core device…

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think the dealer set it to “hybrid”?

On N10 they called it isolated mode as direct mode But I use it bridge mood

There have been other reports on the forum where people have preferred Innuos to Melco… Best evaluate both for oneself.

I have Innous :slight_smile: testing a Melco now!

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I have a Qnap which was my music store before the Melco, and which serves as one of my backups. I have roon core running on a usb SSD attached to that.

ah, thanks!!

Not Meni, it’s possible. It’s even the mode recommended by Melco. Dark Bear and me have already reported on this.
( it’s different from direct Ethernet connection in the melco switch).

Apart that, did you made some changes ? Did your system improved in sound? ( box …)

Not yet but my first change will be adding a second 555psdr maybe soon,and again I’m using my setting network on my n10 to bridge mode not isolated mode

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Yes, bridge mode I remember now. It’s written in french in mine…


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Ok got to Album view and hit focus. From the focus menu choose Inspector and you will see identified in there as an option . Select this. This will now show you all identified albums, click on the + symbol next to identified and it will change to a - and show you unidentified albums.

you can then go and edit each one to try and identify them, using the files metadata instead of roons. If its a multidisc albumb it might be its not seeing them as two discs or in Roons metadata provider its one disc. You can merge the two to try and get it to match.

If its not in this section either, then check in Settings/Library/Skipped Files there might be something else it does not like about them.

If not there perhaps it thinks it already exists and has not shown it… Search for the album and see if its listed under the versions tab.

Thanks. That’s pretty cunningly hidden away!

That’s how focus works for everything, you change to a - to exclude.

A question to all of you who have the ripper D100, can you also connect it to a normal pc and have it rip on the normal he of the pc ?
2nd question, I would always want to make the tagging in my way, do the positive ripping result translate as well when you change tags afterwards ?