Melco n1h60 2 vs uniticore

I’ll still post, it was just wanting a gap for a few days. If I see someone discussing something I’ve tinkered about with and have some results on I’ll share them.
I learn a lot on this forum and generally it is good I find. People have strong and sometimes fixed opinions and that is fine by me. I like to get ideas and can make up my own mind on what I like and what does not work, I like hearing others experiences sincerely reported - even if they don’t fit an existing cannon of orthodox ‘truth’ - as usually that is more particularly useful info to hear.



Mr DB @Darkebear I have just read with despair that you have removed a post due to personal attacks. I haven’t bothered trying to find out more details but would like to echo those in support of your questioning mind and truly eloquent descriptions of your findings. I certainly cannot put my thoughts into words as you do.

Like you, I have an engineering background and have learnt that the only opinion to trust is one’s own.

Best wishes sir



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