Melco Periodic Downloader won’t!

My Melco N10 has suddenly stopped downloading my Qobuz purchases. I usually make a purchase, turn on the periodic downloader and within minutes my new albums are in the Naim app available to play. Not tonight. I turned the Periodic Downloader off and on again and the little arrow icon flashes as normal, but after a couple of minutes the arrow stops flashing and there’s no music downloaded.
I checked my Qobuz account and the new albums are in my purchases and available for download, but the N10 is having none of it.
I checked the N10’s internet connection and its connection to Qobuz and verified these too, still no files.
If anyone has any thoughts, let me know. Otherwise I’ll contact Melco for any thoughts and see what they have to say.

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I’ve reported this to my dealer and he’s referred the query to Melco. I’ll let you know what happens. My N10 is little over a year old, so I hope they will do something.
I didn’t listen to different servers, just went with my dealer’s recommendation, so I hope that will also help me now.
Let’s see?

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I had thus recently…….it coincided with my annual renewal of sublime, once the credit card cleared. The downloads in my account started again?

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My Sublime subscription renewed months ago, so not that, but I wouldn’t rule out something happening at Qobuz’s end. I reauthenticated my Qobuz account but no go. The Downloader arrow flashes for a bit, so feels as if it’s checking Qobuz and finding nothing, so switching off. My account on Qobuz says otherwise though.

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