Message on IPad screen

Anyone knows how to get rid of that screen message. Each time I set down my iPad Pro after utilisation, I have that message on the screen.
I searched on google and through the settings, but didn’t found.

Yeah, I get the same thing FR (only in English) and it annoys the hell out of me too.
I would love to stop it happening, but don’t know how either…:man_shrugging:t2:

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Thanks @Matilde. I wondered why that kept happening. Switched off now. :grinning:

Couldn’t translate that into English could you please.
My French is shocking these days🙄

Thank you :+1:t3::blush:

Very thanks Mathilde, I have done what you wrote. Should work.
First time I see you there. You are new? I will not ask your nationality or origin, I know already. :smile::+1:

Because the iPad considers you are shaking it. As it was enabled, shaking = cancelling or not what you were doing.
Example: your boss is crying at you. You shake your IPad. It closes his mouth.


Well, you’ve even borrowed 3 of the 4 words from the French!

Which ones?

Accessibility / Touch / Turn off

Accessibilité / Toucher / Désactivez

Thanks to centuries of wars, there are lots of shared words!


I think we have more “ anglicismes “ than you. But I may be wrong.
Last day I was watching the OG skateboarding. The terminology of the figures was completely unknown by me. And quite all the terms were English.

Here it is, for fun:
A bowl-rider: this is the rider who skates curves in bowls and ramps

Pop: tapping the tail of the board against the ground to propel it upwards

Stance: this is the direction in which you ride (regular or goofy)

Goofy: the right foot is positioned on the skateboard and the left foot is used to push

Regular: the left foot on the board is positioned in front. It is with your right foot that you push

Mongo: the foot positioned at the front of the board is also the foot that will push the board, avoid this position from a young age, it will put you in difficulty as you gain level.

Switch: it’s skating in the other direction. That is to say that if you are regular, your right foot is at the front and vice versa for a goofy…

Catching: it’s when you catch your skateboard with your feet, while in the air.

An entry/exit: do a figure before/after a grind, slide or manual.

Landing again: landing on your board after a trick

Slider: slide on a module with part of your board, either the tail, the nose or the wheelbase.

Grinder: slide on a module with part of your truck.

A spot: it’s a place where you meet your friends for the session. It can be a skatepark or a street spot

A trick: you can also say “figure” but it sounds less stylish!

Wax: it can be a special wax purchased in a skateshop or a simple candle. We wax the rails and curbs to make them slippery.

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