Metz CAT 7 MC GC1000 Plus23 Ethernet Cable

Made some searches about vodka experiences here. The systems are generally different, from SN 2 to 52/135, Ear 912/ Nap 250 dr ( mine before), to 552/500 or S1/ active 500.
But users have all Naim streamers.
Most talk about the vodka forward character, bassy sound.

I must admit to finding myself agreeing with FR. I’ve used a Node, Ndac and 555DR power supply with an EE8 switch via BJC and mainly Catsnake but I have tried a number of different ethernet cables. I then moved to an ND555 with the same switch and ethernet cables. However, having re-tried a number of the ethernet cables to see if there are any subtle changes I deduces that they seem to keep their character, shape and sonic signature. As FR describes I too found that Vodka sounded too forward and splashy in both systems. Chord C-Stream was very limited on frequency extremes but quite musical and that Catsnake is very smooth with an extended bass. To me they sounded similar despite the different streaming devices I’ve used.

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Our expectation is that there should be no consistency, and this is what we observe.
Your expectation is that there should be consistency, and that is what you observe.

Maybe both are expectation bias!

As electrons are quantum particles they remain in quantum flux until observers, maybe the uncertainty principle applies and it’s impossible to know? Maybe they are Schrödinger cables and both apply!

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That was certainly NOT our experience of Chord C-Stream at all.

We found it caused the sound from the streamer to be quite messy, grainy and lacking in timbre and resolution, also sometimes being harsh, sometimes being soft, depending on the music. Not actually THE worst, but number 8 out of the 9 cables we tried.

I don’t observe a consistency, just report observations of many people here who share the same sounding signature of the Vodka. However they don’t all like it. Some appreciate the forward and prominent bass, other , like me, find it too much.
But quite all say the Vodka is forward and has a pronounced bass.
It’s not about expectation. I don’t deny that expectation can play a role in some cases.

More like Schrödinger’s CAT cable


I think the point of Schrödinger’s :black_cat: (6a) analogy was that the :black_cat: (5e) was actually either alive or dead (not both), and when someone looked in the box to see whether it was dead or alive, all that did was reduce the observer’s uncertainty about :black_cat: (5) from 100% to zero.

:black_cat: (7) knew for sure that it was :skull:!:nerd_face::face_with_monocle:

Actually the cat does not have restricted quantum states and hence cannot itself exist in quantum superposition; so, in quantum terms, the cat itself is a recording observer.

The toxin release mechanism may also be a quantum observer, depending on it’s quantum complexity and persistence (i.e. quantum non-reversibility).

This applies irrespective of the available bandwidth of the cat’s meows.

For sure!

Even an :ant: is one of those.

That is implied in the (jocular) last sentence of my post.


So @Steeve , did you buy one in the end? I’m very impressed considering small outlay

I went for the Chord c-Stream in the end ! Haha! This was purely on the basis of flexibility. I know the issue of inflexibility from my Shunyata cables and where this cable needs to go wouldn’t have been practical. I’ve used c-Stream before and been very happy with it although I ultimately preferred Shunyata for my hifi system.

Without wishing to excite more controversy, I do think the picture quality is very good through the c-Stream though, possibly even better than the Shunyata, and sound is less important in this AV-only application.

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Is that with wet or dry food?

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Certainly doesn’t work without any food - that’s a unidirectional entropy driven process.

As ever, Sir Terry has the last word:

“Technically, a cat locked in a box may be alive or it may be dead. You never know until you look. In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case (Nanny Ogg’s cat, Greebo) there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.”

(My italics)

From “Lords and Ladies”

That great physicist, Sir Terry Wogan?

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For Greebo, are not ‘alive’ and ‘bloody furious’ the same thing?

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