Metz CAT 7 MC GC1000 Plus23 Ethernet Cable

Anyone got any experience of this Ethernet cable?

It’s available terminated with high quality Telegartner plugs (like the far more expensive Shunyata cables which I like very much) for only £39 for a 1.5 metre length.

Due to a slight rearrangement I need an extra cable for a less critical AV connection and am considering giving these a try vs a tried and tested Chord c-Stream.


It may work better in you system, it may make no difference, it may be worse… there’s no way to estimate, you just have to try it in your system; and with digital cables (particularly Ethernet) price is no guide what so ever.

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Yes… I have two 1m lengths feeding my Lumin and Roon nucleus… they replaced chord Clearway…the Metz is better and for the price an utter bargain. Whether it’s the plugs giving an uplift I don’t know but I would highly recommend it.
The only downside is that it’s not very flexible

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Although that is quite expensive for 1.5 metre Ethernet patch lead, if it is certified to the appropriate Ethernet cable standards it will be fine.
A Cat5e patch lead either screened or not will be great functionally. Depending on ‘deficiencies’ in the streamer interface and electronics you may find different cables change the ‘sound’ of the streamer by changing its noise profile. If this is noticeable, trial and error is always good as it will be largely environment/implementation dependant, advantage being ethernet patch leads are (or should be) very cheap in the grand scheme of things.


I’m not sure the Telegartner plugs actually do much if anything to aid SQ. They do not maintain the twisted pair config due to the easy install feature with the short section of PCB.
They are rated as Cat 6, so I wonder how the patch cable can be rated at Cat 7, I don’t suppose they have a test paper included.
But hey ho, I suspect the stock answer is how they sound.


The stock answer of “how they sound”, hmmm, yes!

Fortunately, I’ve never heard an Ethernet patch cable make a sound - all mine are thankfully quiet.

I’ve never heard one have a sound signature either, as they’re not carrying a signal that we generally hear (Ethernet data encoding is WAY above human hearing frequency).

I have heard them change the electrical interference entering the streamer and hence change the sound of the streamer - however the effects of this are more dependent on the streamer/DAC than the cable (as that’s where the analogue signal within human hearing range is created). It’s also more dependent on the environment as that’s where the interference signals originate. The cable is just acting as a filter, it’s going to have the least predictable and consistent effect on the system.

In a domestic environment, there is NO correlation between the cost of an Ethernet cable and the effect on a streamer/DAC, nor can there be. The only way to find out is the try that specific cable in your OWN system (any correlation to cost is confirmation bias).

(If anyone realises that this shows less than our usual tolerance, that’s because we’re out of spoons due to supporting a friend with BPD so that they didn’t end their life over the last couple of days. However it is accurate.)


'morning Xanthe, you’re on form today !! :wink:
Thankfully my ethernets are also as quiet as mice, despite being fury ferrite free these days…
Maybe its the colour, all blue ‘Opal’ MieCord and a BJC.
Blue is at the higher end of the colour spectrum, question - does that have an effect on ethernet electrons? Maybe I should start a thread on how cable colour affects audio SQ, compare BJC red with BJC blue …
… err … thinks … (striking heroic Bluebottle pose) maybe not, life’s to short.

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Maybe more often I should go to bed at 03:45, after several hours working with someone with BPD who is actively suicidal with means and intent… and be absolutely knackered the next day… then to do it all again the next day, twice!

(She seems to be sufficiently stable now!)

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Is it not, or may appear, a bit patronising, saying that an Ethernet cable has no sound and giving even some explanations after ?
We all know what that does mean, saying that the lan cable has a sound, the same for an amp or source. Only a speaker makes itself a sound.

That is true - I was being facetious to make a point. (Deep tiredness generates a lack of tolerance.)

A LAN cable having a sound is not the same as an amp, source or analogue cables. All those directly affect the part of the signal that appears at the speakers as sound; this is not true for digital cables. The part of the electrical signal in an Ethernet cable that encodes the sound is a set of digital numeric data that are error corrected and transmitted 100% accurately. What disturbs the streamer/DAC and changes the audio signal that produces is nothing to do with the part of the signal that is converted to sound - it’s ALL to do with the way that interference affects the streamer/DAC. Furthermore that interference isn’t related to the Ethernet cable: it’s pushed into the cable by the switch which in turn depends on the local power supply - hence it’s more dependent on the switch, local conditions and streamer/DAC than the cable.

Different switches and power supplies will interfere with different streamer/DACs in different ways; and the Ethernet cables will have different effects on that interaction. As it’s affects the interaction rather than affecting the streamer/DAC directly, the effect of the cable is completely unpredictable.

Unless you know:

  1. The precise frequency distribution and level of RFI output by the switch and it’s power supply.
  2. The precise filtering that the Ethernut cable caused in each wire & possibly screen.
  3. The precise effect of different RFI components have on the steamer/DAC

Then you have NO WAY of knowing what effect a particular cable will have in different circumstances, unless you try it in that specific system.


It’s perhaps true in a theorical point of view, but not in my experience and many others.
If I change my Ethernet cable, which is actually the Audioquest diamond, into for example the Blue Jeans one, there will be an effect on the sound, and even very obvious.
The Diamond gives a more rich and saturated sound, with much better bass definition, softer and nicer tones, and open soundstage. The Blue Jeans sounded much leaner, more 2D like, and the soundstage collapsed.
As it has an effect on the sound, we say generally that the cable sounds like that or this. It’s an abrevation. You don’t need to bring your science here, at least in that case.
But I agree, it will sound like this or that in a particular system. However, in general, people agree for example on the sound signature of the Audioquest Vodka and Diamond.


They may have that effect in your system, there is no reason to believe they will have the same effect in anyone else’s system other than confirmation bias.

Equally cables other than these may well cause the system to sound different in other ways. Some ‘standard’ Ethernet patch cords may sound better than the Vodka or Diamond; without trying them you’ll never know the what effect is in your system (or any other for that matter, for instance, all these cables may cause completely different effects in my system).

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Of course, but in each case, or most of, a vodka will have a different impact on sound vs a Catsnake or Blue Jeans. The 3 will never sound the same , so an Ethernet cable DO have a sound, that may vary, or not, in each individual system.
It’s a bit the same with a Dac or amp. They will never sound the same in each different system.

BUT there are some similarities however for each component or cable or Ethernet cable. A vodka, in quite all systems, gives a forward sound with a bass very apparent.
A Naim amp will NEVER give a soft, laid back and romantic sound.

So, you are saying that ALL (or nearly all) streamer/DACs react in almost the same way to changes in the frequency distribution of RFI, irrespective of the design of:
the implantation of their streaming (digital) modules,
digital filter programming,
DAC chips,
circuitry around the DAC chip,
analogue filters,
analogue output amplifiers,
power supplies,
or the frequency distribution of the RFI to start with.

This is what it would take for your assertion to be valid. If you have that degree of detailed knowledge of electronics and DAC chips, then I bow to your expertise.

I have never said that. I was talking about the sounding signature, the character of each component, be it cable, amp, dac….
They have a character, a proper sounding signature, but YES, of course, will react differently in each environment.
But there are some constants. For example a Naim dac will major on Prat and an organic sound. The Vodka cable has a tendency to sound forward and prominent in bass. Most here have observed that for the Vodka here. As most have found the Catsnake fuller on bass vs the Blue Jeans. However some found that bass too inflated.
A 300b tubes amp won’t sound the same as ktt88….etc

That’s me! :disguised_face:

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Yes, I found this years ago and sent the catsnake flying home.

Many people expect the correlation between price and the user’s enjoyment of the effect on sound quality of a streaming cable to be 1.

Others seem to think that it is 0.

I think it’s probably somewhere around 0.7


Very good, this had me laughing out loud :grinning:

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0,7 seems good to me . There’s 60/70 % chances that a more expensive cable will sound better. So not certain, but with a strong probability.

How does a Vodka have the same effect when modifying the RFI from a Netgear GS105 running into a Primare NP5 and a Chord Qutest as when modifying the RFI from a EE8 running into a ND555?

It’s sending different distributions of RFI changed in different ways into streamers that will handle RFI differently. How can that result in consistency? One possible explanation is expectation bias - this could easily account for the proposed 0.7 correlation between cable price and perceived enjoyment.

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