Microdisney Documentary on BBC4 TV

I know that there are a few fans of this wonderful Cork band on here. It’s on BBC 4 TV tomorrow (Friday 15th) at 10pm.


Thank you so much for the tip off. That’s essential viewing for me.

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Yep set to record. Saw them live many times over the years. Great band.



Yeh it was good alright but very sad & tragic in the end I thought. Cathal Coughlan definitely had a talent and a great voice but I think as a band they lacked the ‘right stuff’ to make it to the big times. Coughlan had a chip on his shoulder for sure and although it probably added to his song writing it no doubt held him back in the end. He was quite honest in his final interview in 2022, which must have been just before he died, regarding his alcohol and behavioural issues.

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Immensely frustrating that yet another documentary maker thinks it possible to tell the story of an artist or band without playing 1 song all the way through. Lazily repeats verses from a small number of songs and males assertions about the ground they covered - Irishnesx, catholicism etc. - without giving a single lyrical example.

Right up there in terms of irritants with gig films which focus on faces and never let you see the often brilliant interactions which can make a gig special.

I enjoyed it bit goodness it really could have been so much more.

Finally got around to watching it - I thought it was a lovely, heartwarming film which provided a bit of closure for everyone involved. Would, of course, loved to have heard a bit more of the tunes as Mike has pointed out.

Not sure that “Clock” is the greatest Irish album of all time but if it gets people checking out their 4 wonderful albums then we can forgive the rose tinted stuff.

Finally, it’s nice to see that wisdom comes with age and we can recognise that we were not always angels when we were young.

RIP Cathal and thanks.


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