Monitor Audio Bronze 200 vs Naim Mu-So QB2 (worth it?)

I bought the Naim Mu-So QB2 last year… I think it is nice, but not as nice as I did expect. My guess, is that either I reproduced a better sound from memories (I gifted the first QB about 6 years ago) or it is the accoustics in this flat that is not just the best. Or I simply got too high expectations.

Anyway, I have huge amount of needs since I was starting over after a divorce some years ago… and now I need to help my gf in Ukraine. I go there regulary (Odessa, not the frontline) and I have multitude of needs. Business needs, multiple property needs, renovation needs. Everyday cash is going in and out of my account… if I have $800 it is gone for something a few hours later. And it is probably not Hi-Fi.

So, my idea is to buy something like Kef Reference 3 (atm, I am about to check a place to listen to it…). But I want to go with something far cheaper a couple of years. So, I have floorstand speakers at very least. I made a down payment to my local dealer. I getting better prices and privilages that other customers do not… because I have been a loyal customer for about 15 years and they like me. So, I will get the AudioControl Bijou 600 for about 70 % from my store. They couldn’t get it sold so they asked me. I will pay it next month and they might deliver in two months. I think it is a fair price…

However, I have 2 options. This appartment I have one 50" TV in front of the bed. I got a Spectral Brick, some upgraded cables. So I need to get my hands on this and then some speakers. I think a reasoanble timeframe would be 4 or 6-7 years to have the Reference 3.

I can also take it to our second property abroad. She is buying it right now, she have some government issues but she hopefully solving it soon. She sold a house in a gated community in Ukraine and buy this. But it is just 40-50 sqm. So, I do not want to big speakers. So, either I bring this one in check-in or I send by mail. I was offered by a contact to buy Elac Carina BS243.4, used in near mint condition for about half price. Shipping is not expensive for me, I have access to discount , thanks to larger volumes. I have to pay about 100 dollar or less to ship, if I do not bring with me on the flight. But I have not looked up the regulations for that…

So here is my question… should I get the Monitor Audio 200 or the Elac BS243.4? The Elac BS243.4 are too small here… So, I am leaning on the Monitor Audio Bronze 200. Also, because it might be the most useful option in the short term. BUT if the sound is not that much better than the Naim Mu-So QB2. I think it is somewhat a waste of money. I could move around the QB2 a little or have it temporary at the TV until I have something better there. Then, I should maybe get the ELAC instead. QB2 still sounds excellent for it’s money I think. I did listen to the Montor Audio Bronze 200 and compared directly to KEF R5 Meta… not a fair competition. I only had 40 min for my reservation in store. It is impossible to remember and compare to the QB2 now. But I wasn’t exactly blown away. However, it is also possible I underestimate them considering the given conditions.

Any advice on this??

Then buy private second hand.

I think both mentioned loudspeakers are cheap Chinese, why not look for some UK made, they are usually much better build and sound, for example Wharfedale Diamond the original, Rega (any), Royd (any) Ruark, Castle etc etc…

One thing: any Muso is nice for what it is, however just about any stereo setups have much more potential.

Take care.