Most musical standmount you have heard with Supernait 3 or higher

Derek at Kudos told me Titan 505s partner superbly with the SN.


I was going to suggest T505s too

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I am a big ProAc fan and would normally recommend D2Rs, but I am currently making the most “musical” sound with a pair of Warfedale Linton’s fed by a NDX/Supernait2/HiCapDR. While not perfect, they make a big, warm, easy to listen to sound. Nicely made and a bargain at $1500 US.

Pictured below is a recently recapped Nait2 which makes the Linton’s boogie like hell. Highly recommended.


Linn Kan

My Sonus Faber Electa Amator III (with SN2).

The Dynaudio Heritage Special and SN3/HiCapDR pairing is sublime. The synergy is exceptional, so much so that I preferred the SN3 with the Heritage Specials even after upgrading to the 252/300DR. I tried a few sources, including NDX2 and a DCS stack. The results were always jaw dropping in my room.


As I say to my clients when I get questions without context, “why do you want to know? What problem are you trying to solve?”

Is the OP looking to buy a speaker? Does it need to be standmount and if so, why have they arrived at that conclusion? What does their dealer have etc etc.

Or is this an academic exercise? Spoiler alert: everyone will just say what they own/ed. I think if the OP can elaborate a little on the question, people can give more insightful advice.

I do hope the OP chimes back in. We are only trying to be helpful.

To avoid listening fatigue? I’ve had some 40 years ago, they’re excellent but as relaxing as Angus Young…


To add to your questions for the OP here’s another: why the focus on standmounts rather than just speakers? Standmount speakers on stands generally occupy no less room space than floorstanders, while the boxes themselves range in size from about 1/3 of a cubic foot to about 12 cubic feet (something I highlighted with my first post).

However OP hasn’t yet come back to provide some clarification re the term “musical” and what is meant by “SN3 and above, asked a day ago, so perhaps has no real interest.

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As I mentioned @Innocent_Bystander . So much context is missing.

seems a reasonable question to me

I always find Linn Kan entertaining and musical with superb timing,but IBL’s are also superb ( not stand mounts,but even smaller ,as you know)
Both of them work close to the wall,which is hard to find these days.

There’s a bit more context on another thread I think:

I’m guessing here, the OP is upgrading to SN3, room dimensions and budget from that other thread,

Room is 13x15 with two five foot openings.
Budget is 12k.

Ah, I hadn’t connected the two threads! Not the most communicative/responsive of OPs…

So I wonder why the thread query about speakers with amps “above” SN3, or perhaps it is wanting to be sure they’ll stand upgrades.


So true! In my situation adding in the price of stands etc the cost was about the same as a floorstander(D20R)

Apart for not being particularly muscular, the SN3 is the best sounding integrated I have ever listened to. Same goes for the Heritage Specials (hopefully to be surpassed at some point by the Confidence 20 I just bought). Also auditioned the two together (without a HC) and it was magical, albeit lacking a bit of bite and authority. Maybe the HCDR was the missing link.


The OP’s question is perfectly good …. well that is unless it’s the first time you happen to be on a hobbyist hifi forum just out of the gardening season and it’s itching to type endless theoretical clarification questions.
Why deter people from asking questions here? Why not be more real and less patronising and provide some personal experience (I believe some of the persistent enquirers have not actually heard a Naim amp at home), or preference instead of endless contextualising and clarifying, or changing the subject to your own favourite topics like floorstanders vs standmounts?
If I were the OP I might lose interest in my thread too…


In my case nothing theoretical about any questions I have asked, though one was out of curiosity more than clarification, and far from seeking to deter people asking questions I think other questions I’ve read here were mainly trying to be helpful: If people made their queries sufficiently specific snd detailed at the start it would help get them meaningful responses. But of course some people may just want to receive a list of all the options, while some responders will miss or ignore the detail.

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Question, yes. Lack of context supplied makes helpful answers hard. Academic exercises versus buying advice are totally different responses.