Moving Coil cartridge selection

I’ve used the AT33EV on my LP12/Aro/Geddon before and can definitely recommend it. I’ve since changed to a Linn Krystal and although the Linn is ultimately better it isn’t that much better considering the price differential. The AT has to be great value for money.


I did ask a while back, what the ratio should/could be to spend on TT:arm: cartidge: phono stage. Can’t remember too many answers.

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The Royal N was my first SPU as I didn’t have a removable headshell but I could make the effective arm mass 18g plus cartridge. I loved it. Lots of body to the sound which gave the piano real weight, smooth treble and deep enough bass to satisfy, once VTA was tuned in. It seemed to strip a lot of noise from the sound but left enough detail for a good impression of scale and depth but maybe a lack of pace when it came to a bit of thrash metal, more swing than rock.
I ordered a Korf tonearm on something of a whim and put the Royal N on its headshell, the transient attach turned up and now Metallica was getting into gear too. I wanted to try a G series pickup and was a bit undecided between another Royal to hear just what the G head did, or a more traditional version like a classic GM(E). In the end I got tempted by one of the few remaining SPU Centuries (even more fluid than the N) and still haven’t heard a classic GM or #1. I’ll probably end up with a GME too before long.

Elsewhere I’ve seen an extensive SPU collection owned by someone using a Technics, not sure of the arm though, I think it’s one of theirs, certainly not an SME as seem to turn up on a few.

I posted here a bit tongue in cheek given how frightened some seem to be by a 4g tracking force but I do reckon it would be interesting to try. Load a superline with 100Ω for most of them or 220Ω for a Royal.


I think that’s one of those questions with equivocal answers. I enjoyed reading Origin Live’s views on the topic, fwiw. It’ll be like source vs speakers vs room treatment vs optimising ancillaries etc. - I suspect :slight_smile:

I run a 1200G, Graham Slee Accession, and DV10x5 with another c. 1k of cables (Yannis Tome silver phono lead, Hiline RCA to DIN). The cartridge is by far the lowest value part of the setup. I think I would consider a more expensive cartridge next time round, but for the time being it sounds pretty good to me.


I spent 1500€ for the ph-10 1 year ago & 1450€ for the technics 3 years ago.
The 1200€ for the dv20x2 right now is out of my budget, considering i spent a fortune this summer buying & renewing my house.
I wouldn’t mine replacing the Sumiko Anethyst but it is necessary due to the hours of use.
Allow me to know better my financial limitation than you.

I actually thought it was fairly traditional/accepted to spend the lowest proportion of a TT budget on the cartridge, if anything I think your budget in that context is on the high side :slight_smile:

If it helps, when I auditioned 3 decks at the c. 3.5k mark (minus cart.) I was fortunate to have my dealer use the same 10x5 (c. £590) for each. It was interesting how each deck sounded with that cartridge on board. I’m sure at your budget point you’ll get a very very good sounding result - some very well respected suggestions. Be interested how you decide!

Hope you’re enjoying your Technics, they’re great fun decks 8)


There is nothing wrong with your allocation of budget. Conventional thinking is that the hierarchy in determining SQ is TT>arm>cart. This has been followed to extremes in the past though!


Finally i pulled the trigger for the at33ptg/ii.
Most probably i will have it delivered on Monday.


Good choice. Keep us updated on how it goes.


At the price I personally think impossible to beat. One of my go to carts. Enjoy.


There’s no doubt that the economies of scale enjoyed by Ortofon, Audio Technica and Goldring for example make them far more competitive price wise for the performance on offer in modestly priced moving coils. I haven’t use the AT33 but I am a long time user of various iterations of AT-OC9 and they offer stunning value for money.

That said there’s still (sadly) a pretty decent jump from that into something like a £3000 Lyra, Koetsu or Sumiko. They don’t enjoy anything like the same economies of scale but they are indeed ‘better’. Now that I play vinyl less frequently I am looking into moving up to that level as a result.


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Agree, I used an OC9XML for about three years and it is an excellent value indeed.

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Good morning to everyone. Since my budget for the cartridge was 750€ & i paid 700€ for the at33ptg/ii I’m thinking to buy a better headshell as well.
I am thinking the ortofon lh-2000.
Does this headshell match the specifications of the tonearm & cartidge. It weighs 15,5gr & it’s length is 50.3mm.
The technics headshell weighs 7.6gr.
Please let me lnow your thoughts or suggestions in for a headshell at this price range.

I’d leave it to be honest. The Technics headshell, gold plated connectors, adjustable azimuth, costs about £90 IIRC, it isn’t cheap. There’s a few headshell reviews out there, Korf audio has instrumented and tested a bunch. Most of the ones that measure well at least cost more than your remaining budget. The Technics headshell almost certainly matches the tonearm too :slight_smile:


If you did want to try something else then perhaps something from AT who also make the cartridge? Not sure what they currently offer but they used to do lots, all at slightly different weights from around 9-18 grammes.

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Was there something about the Amethyst sound signature you aren’t fond of? If not, I’d be inclined to stick with Sumiko and go over to their MC range like the BluePoint No.3, Songbird or higher.

Sumiko is slightly layed back which goes very well with the forward nature of the GR (we have the same deck and I also use a Sumiko cart). And from reviews their carts have very good compatibility with Naim phono stages.

It’s probably less insightful a recommendation than others are providing. I’m definitely going with the risk averse recommendation.

As MM carts go, it’s very much “up there”.


Thank you for your comment friend.
Actually i really liked the sound character of the Amethyst.
But as you already said it is a bit layed back.
I just wanted to try a more “vivid” cartridge.
Considering the replacement of the amethyst stylus costs 600€ i am thinking it is a good chance to try an mc cartridge in this price range.
I ended up choosing the at33ptg/ii based on my dealer’s advice & various reviews i read on the net, hoping it will deliver the result i wish.
As for your respectable recommendations, the bluepoint 3 will probably have the same character as the amethyst & the songbird costs 1000€ (250€ above my budget) & also it is “naked” design which i want to avoid, as i believe is more sensitive to damage & attracts more dust to it’s body.

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Just for the record:
Today i mounted to the technics headshell my older nagaoka jt-80lb, which is actually new since i only used it max 50 hours before i bought the amethyst.
I was very impressed by the result considering it only costs 1/3 of the amethyst price.
Of course it hasn’t got the amethyst virtues but it is a very good cartridge to have for backup.
It delivers lots of punchy bass not boomy though.
The mids are also rich & highs are … acceptable.
Of course the tonal balance,quietness & smoothness of the amethyst are from another world, but stull the nagaoka is a cartridge that anyone can easily live with.


Delivered today morning.
Mounted/aligned on the headshell in less than 3 minutes time.
Did all the proper tonearm adjustments: 2gr vtf, 1.6 antiskate & 1mm vta.

Unfortunately i was able to listen only 3 tracks, but straight out of the box sound was very impressive.
Tomorrow morning i will probably have the chance for an extensive listening session.
Thank you to everyone for your advice/recommendations.


Long live the king!!!
I have spent almost 5 hours listening to the at33ptg/ii & i can say that it is an amazing cartridge, even though it hasn’t burn in yet.
First of all i made some corrections: the vta from 1mm to 0.5mm, the antiskate from 1.6 to 2 & the ohm load from 100ohm to 220ohm.
Compared to my beloved Amethyst that served me very well for almost 2 years:
It lacks no bass though bass is faster & cleaner.
The mids are a bit more forward (in a good way), especially vocals sound amazing, better than ever.
Though the strongest aspect of the at33ptg/ii is the high frequencies. There is no harshness or agression but only clarity (an aspect that imho the Amethyst lacks).
Soundstage is wide & deep.
I would describe it’s overall presentation silky & absolutely alive.
The result till now satisfied me in every way since this is the sound i was hoping for.