Moving Coil cartridge selection

Hello guys.
I am thinking to replace my sumiko amethyst with a moving coil cartridge.
Your recommendations please, to a price range of 400€ - 750€.
My tt is the technics sl1210gr & phono pre goldnote ph-10.
Thank you in advance.

PS My dealer recommends the audio technica at33ev but i a bit sceptical for aesthetic reasons.

Have a look at Dynavector… :thinking:


Vaggoz, I’m intrigued here. What is it about the aesthetics that makes you think it’s not a good option?

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Look at the Hana carts. I have two and find them very open and clear. One is on. P8, the other on a lp12.


Hello Richard.
I mean that the color combination of the cart doesn’t match to the rest of my system.
I know it sounds a bit weird, since we are all seeking for the optimum sound quality, but i want to keep an optical balance as well.


Hana have black, green, red, blue and one that is black with a bit of gold. Possibly price dependent though. :grinning:

The hana sl gets great reviews.
Though the cartridge weight is only 5grams & heigh only 15mm.
I would probably have issues with vta & have to add extra weight to the tonearm to perform right.

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I tend to listen at night with the lights out so I can’t see my gold coloured DV K17D3. I like matching stuff too but sometimes I can’t avoid a compromise. :blush:

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I would also suggest a Dynavector.

Unfortunately Dynavector dv20X2 is out of my budget.

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The 10x5 now comes in low output too, closer to budget. I run a 10x5 HOMC on my 1200


Benz ACE S

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AT33PTG II here in a Ekos 2, Prefix K,superb sound for the money.


I too have Technics 1200sl with Rega aria and Hana sl moving coil. Exceptional sound quality would highly recommend

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The AT33PTG is indeed an excellent cartridge, and exceptional value too.


Actually from a quick research i found many technics owners to use the at33ptg/ii with great results.

I wonder how one of these works on a Technics, you might need a heavy counterweight.


What think you of the aesthetics?

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I know you didn’t ask me, but I’d love to give one of those a go on my 1200! Not least as I’m intrigued about cartridges that mean your loose the headshell.

It would be an expensive demo for a dealer, but the Royal N, which I think comes in both forms, would be really interesting to listen to!?

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The Technics comes with additional weights, I think coping with cartridges up to 19g…

(With the big auxiliary weight)
14.3 to 19.8 g
23.0 to 28.5 g (including the
head shell)

That’s for the G, I don’t know for sure for the GR

I’m finding it really difficult to understand why you would spend £1700 on a PH-10 and £1600 on a Technics sl1210gr, but a Dynavector dv20X2 at £849 is over your budget ?
The missmatch between deck, phono stage and cart budget is palpable in my mind.