Moving to new classic series a bit of a revelation

I decided it was time for an upgrade and as my preferred source sound wise is the turntable and with limited funds, I took a risk with the following changes:

Trade in: ND555, 555PS, 552 and 300DR

Replaced with: 332, 350 NDX 2

The 350 replaced the 300DR servicing the BMR of my Ovator 600s, which is where I expected most benefit hoping the 332 would not be too inferior to the 552.

Immediately on firing up I could hear a substantial improvement to the bass which was much better defined although the BMR was a bit course at first. It has now blossomed as has the bass which have both continued to improve with run-in.

I am absolutely delighted and in my system the 332 has outperformed the outgoing 552 as has the 350 over the 300DR.

I bought the NDX2 on eBay at a good price and I will look to replace it with a 333 in due corse. Whilst clearly inferior to the ND555 it does give a good account for itself.


G’day Gerry,

You have nice tall skirting boards. Is this where you run your speaker cables?

Mitch in Oz.

You wrote about the bass improvement. It is probably due to 350 having more control on the Ovators vs the 300 dr.
But how can you ascertain that the 332 outperformed the 552?
You seem to prefer 332/350/Ndx2 vs 552/300dr/ Nd555. What are the other criterias apart the bass which improved for you ?

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Indeed, I do not like cables on show.

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It’s not the 350 as this is just connected to the BMRs, I still have the 300DRs on the mid/bass. I thought this could only be due to the 332, which my dealer confirmed. In his experience it is an upgrade.
I do not prefer the NDX2 to the ND555, but most of my serious listening is with vinyl. The ND555 is clearly superior to the NDX2 although the latter is self powered.

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Gosh. And no PS on the 332, that’s quite surprising.

Sorry I have the NPX 300. Omitted by mistake.


That’s a lot of boxes. :package:

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Indeed, but one less than previous.

@GerryMcG given you have a mix of Classic new and old, why didn’t you keep the 555 ps and use it on the 332?

I didn’t audition so I cannot judge but a bare 332 without npx outperforming 552 it sounds to me really strange. Most of the debate is with 252 which is a complete different beast from 552

I considered this but I good trade in price as funds are a bit tight at the moment. I will look to change to 333/NPX300 sometime later. Most of my listening is with vinyl which I preferred to the ND555.

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In fact I have the NDX300 partnering the 332, thinking in terms of the 552 where the PS is required.

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Hi @GerryMcG

It looks like you have an Origin Live turntable.
If so, which model is it?
Is the arm an Origin Live arm?
If so, which model is it?
Did you audition this turntable and arm against any other turntables?
If so, which turntable and arm combinations where they?
With, ymmv being a given, how would you describe the “SQ” differences between the OL and any other tt auditioned?
Thank you.
Kind regards

From the OP’s profile

Origin Live Sovereign Mk 5/Conqueror arm/Hana Umami Red; 3 Superline/Supercap

Rather nice TT and arm 8)

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See his profile. It’s a Sovereign model with OL Conqueror arm.

Are you just curious or you want to change from your SME 20/3?
I am curious :smile:

It is an Origin Live TT and arm - Sovereign MK5 & Conqueror MK4, witrh Hana Umami Red. When I returned to vinyl in 2014 I had Roksan Xerxes 20/ Artemiz/Ortofon Cadenza black. I was attracted to the OL TT initially for its style. I started with MK3 Resolution/ Encouter using the same Ortofon cartridge and this proved superior to the outgoing Roksan in my system. I subsequently have upgraded to the MK 4 Resolution and then the MK5 Sovereign with MK4 Conqueror. The Sovereign is a big upgrade on the Resolution and I much preferred the sound to my ND555 streaming sysytem. Mark Baker offers excellent trade-in values when upgrading.

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I auditioned an Aurora/Encounter when upgrading my TT a year or so ago. That Encounter arm is a very nice thing!