Mu-so QB mk1 no internet radio

Help! I keep trying to get internet radio working again on my Mu-so QB mk1 in my office. I have searched this forum and tried resetting the Mu-so, updating to the latest firmware, deleting all presets and selecting the radio station (eg Classic FM, Radio Paradise) from the main list of stations in the iPhone app and it says it is streaming but there is no sound.

I can stream over Bluetooth and Airplay, just not play any internet radio. So the device is connected to my network and controllable from the app - indeed can be updated to the latest firmware from the app - so I’m at a loss.

App version is 6.6.1
Build version 9419
Streamer 2.0.00
BSL 3.2.0

Welcome to the forum.
When you say you can stream over eg Airplay, use the Radio Paradise app, first on your phone to check you can connect, then via airplay. If that works, then switch off your Muso, close completely the iPhone and then restart your router. Wait then switch on iPhone and Muso.
Do you have more than one router, mesh set up or are you wired via ethernet?
Have you tried wiring your Muso direct to your router?

Thanks for your reply

Yes, I can stream Amazon Music over Airplay to the Muso as well as over bluetooth, and of course I can control the Muso using the App over Wifi which is the same IP network. For example, I can start a stream for a radio station - Radio Paradise as an example - and drag my finger across the iPhone screen to increase or decrease volume and the display on the Muso travels around the circle of the main volume control in unison. So IP connectivity works. I’ve rebooted the phone and router (why?) and, in common with other posts on this forum, don’t understand why direct connection should be used when (a) everything else works including Airplay, but also every other connection I have from every other device on my network over IP through the network and (b) it used to work, let’s say until about a month ago.

FYI I have an Amazon Eero wireless mesh network connected via a PFSense firewall to my internet route, which is a Huawei/Vodaphone 4G router. I have

I take it back. Naim Jazz and Naim classical just sprung into life but Radio Paradise and Classic FM don’t work… must be something to do with the radio station directory, perhaps need refreshing somehow?

Did you install the RP app and get it to play on your iPhone?
Direct connection, in troubleshooting, is intended to reduce the number of variables. If you restarted your router did you restart your mesh network?
IIUC the Eero is also a router. DHCP should only be active on one router, otherwise conflicts may arise.
You need to configure them correctly, so only one is active as a router (DHCP disabled on the second router, likely the mesh). Connecting Muso by ethernet direct to your Huawei/Vodaphone router will avoid the second router.

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