Multiple internet points

No. That’s a single port.

BTW is 16m from dining room internet access point to end of garage. A need another 5m to allow some ups and downs but will go for 30m to be sure.


To the point! where would you recommend I purchase?


Slightly OT I know but if you are running the ethernet cable from your Zennith to your NDS directly you may well find it sounds better running from the Phoenix to the NDS instead. Apologies if I have mis-understood your connections

I don’t know. Lots of places sell the 2 port.

If you look at the fourth small photo in the last photo you posted, you’ll notice it shows a cable insertion tool.
So, best to buy one for that type of socket. I did when I installed my sockets.

And get the one by Krone. It look identical to the cheap Chinese ones, but it will make your life so much easier it’s easily worth the additional outlay. And yes, I did make the mistake of getting a cheap one thinking it’s just an OEM version only to pay up again to get the proper one (which I had used in the past, so knew it would be better).

Sorry, it may have been the way I wrote it it! Both NDS and Zenith go into the Phoenix.

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