Munich show 2024

Sloppy cable dressing crossing over and the power block not sitting flat.
Instant power instability there… :wink:


I could live with the Naim room. I could never live with the Linn room. Maybe Naim got it right, hifi for folk who live in normal size houses?

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lol ya… I was looking at the blocks … cables are too heavy :joy:

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It’s a burned Terminator headphone amp. Charged by the a……

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I guess this year Linn is about “this is the best we can do” and we like to sell uber expensive kit only.

Their sound during the last 4-5 shows I’ve listend performance was nothing worth mention, you really need to be blindfolded to think otherwise.
Hope they got it better this time.


USA market perhaps.

I guess then no wonder that system sounded nothing special :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the interesting comparison. Which Chord ethernet cable do you have right now? Maybe the Epic? Right now I’m using a humble C-Series cable for my ethernet. Despite being cheap, it sounds really good, I was pleasantly surprised. I do understand your concerns, you’ll need tons of patience, it’s a matter of tweaking and getting a decent balance. It can’t be a quick thing at all!

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Yes… chord streaming cables are good… I love the timing they gives… very good … glad you are enjoying them :wink:

I am looking for a music or at least a Sarum T, but no stock from the dealer. And a signature was up for grab. So I got it to try on my system. For 2 days it work pretty ok with my nordost , however I need to give it at least 100 hrs or so to really know how well they work together :laughing:


I agree. In fact of all the signal cables that Chord produce the Streaming cable has had the most positive effect on my system compared with alternatives that I’ve tried. Their mains/power cables also excel IMO.


Yes the main and power cord are excellent :muscle:t2:

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and a certain cable that we can’t mention :smiley:


I can confirm this. Even though I’m not too much into Chord Electronics (until now?) it sounded amazing. The step from passive is immense. I can imagine how much better it would even sound with 3x 500DR in a complete 500 or Statement system.
Never thought to go active with the snaxo because of another power supply on top of all the amps and cables but this thing makes it more interesting… if the 350 were to my liking and in one enclosure I might be tempted.


Had also a 2nd day at the show, which was very nice and productive. So expect me to publish my report going forward…, might not start yet tomorrow as my heating is getting replaced though.
The attached was the last song of the show for me. And it was an excellent by Martial Hernandez the DJ for the Von Schweikert room. Not so much about the also excellent singing of Patricia Barber, but much more about how her supporting band is really taking the song to another level. Have a listen on Qobuz….


No both I didn’t visit, it’s sheer impossible to visit all, you would need four days at the show, apologies.

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Seems like a really wasted opportunity … Munich is the premier global hifi show…

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No worries and thnx for responding. Hope you did get in a few good days there and that it was enjoyable.


The Music or the Sarum T are definitely in line with the other cables you have. Let me know how it goes when you get one! Have you tried the Nordost Heimdall ethernet cable? Maybe that would highlight details too much (or maybe not). Maybe 100 hours won’t be enough lol.


I have that . Abit bright for my system :sweat_smile: but very good details.


Good to know. I guess that ethernet cable isn’t worth the expense for you or maybe it just doesn’t match your sonic expectations. Considering what you said about the Heimdall cables, I thought it was less bright with emphasis towards the bass. Have you thought of taming that bright attitude with other strategies? Maybe slightly changing your speakers’ position?

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