Munich show 2024

Yup… gonna do some speaker tweaking … by right heindall 2 shouldn’t sound sharp … but it does in my system… :sweat_smile: that’s really weird. Maybe I am very sensitive to sharp frequency . My wife said it isn’t that sharp … lol …and when I try on the chord , she noticed more bass and mid and the so called sharpness has mellow down quite a good % … will try your suggestions on the tweak …

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I’m desperately parsing the past few posts for irony or parody but perhaps it’s just too subtle for me.



Hemidall 2…bass heavy sounding in my system.

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Ya…that’s y I find it weird in my system . by right it (streaming cable ) shouldn’t sound sharp… I used to have full loom heindall 2 before and it doesn’t sound sharp on the upper end .

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BTW, we are like off the topic for this thread :sweat_smile:
Back to Munich show


Yep, that’s wierd but interesting as well. I would guess that, maybe, the cables you’ve put after having a full Heimdall loom (or maybe it’s something else you’ve done) changed the balance towards the highs or hid the bass.

By the way I’ll stop this cable digression, we should open a Nordost thread lol. Back to Munich now…

New Totem Loon monitors introduced at the show:


The Pro2 has not been manufactured since 2013 but small stocks of new units were available for many years after that.

The closest you can get today is probably the CD Pro 8 top-loader mechanism made by SUOS HiFi in vienna, austria. It is based on the Pro 2 design but I have no idea how it competes on sound quality. According to their site: “Designed as a spiritual and worthy successor of the legendary Philips CD-Pro2 drive, manufacturers of high end audio equipment now have a viable option with this module.”.

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So apart Esoteric, and Teac ( same brand but lower cost), are there other companies that produce cd mechanism today ?

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Primare and Sanyo

Amazing how ugly so much of the gear on display is.

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Sanyo doesn’t exist now it was acquired by Panasonic and a divisional name only exists for legal winding up of affairs. :+1:t2:
I just looked up to find out if there were other manufacturers.

Here’s some pictures of the 'interesting´ speakers I referred to earlier
Had trouble uploading them yesterday…

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Sanyo is more for computers cd drive. Primare uses generally Teac mechanism.
My friend google told me that.

Marantz are making their own drives for their SACD players, i don’t think they appear in their CD only players though.


Funnily enough I thought pretty much the same about Linn at the Bristol show. I don’t know whether it was identical or a very similar system and they were playing The Blue Nile’s “Tinsel Town” (always a favourite), among others.
My feeling was that the sound was good, even very good, but not exceptional.



I’m pretty sure Primare don’t produce any mechanisms.

Sony cd mechanism

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Rob Watts presents his latest creation - Chord
Quad-Scaler - meant to complement the Dave dac.


Yes, StreamUnlimited do, the same people who build the NP800 streaming board for Naim. Some Project boxes use their drives.

Actually, correction, StreamUnlimited Optical Storage (SUOS-hifi) are a separate legal and commercial entity, they’re the ones who make the CD mechanism.