Munich show 2024

Jorma Part 2

So we will not get to know it can do raw and rough as the demo songs are not helping us to understand further capabilities.
So it does do warm, full range…, soundstage could be a bit better though.



Nice to see that somebody dares to play something more risky. Would like to hear a bit more fullness in the sound. Sound is precise but a bit thin.
Trentemoller - confirms the impression, too thin….


This I found often very true indeed!

I spent a disproportionate amount of time in some rooms but glad the Marten room played classical on their new Coltranes as mostly one hears female vocals and easy big sound on the larger systems.

Then again I did like how the PMC Fenestria setup sounded, moved a lot of air (but cannot find the photo I took of them). It did make me start looking with more curiosity and interest at the small active 21 (I think?) which were sitting on the side along with the rest of their selection of current line up. :slight_smile:


I see you twice, twice reflections. :grin:


Egglestanworks Part 1

Now in our forum we quite often talk about the amount of black boxes… and I am myself also having a respectable number of black boxes. However this one topping it. I belief I counted 21 boxes…., so our system are in comparison to that rather small.

Beck - not too impressed, middle of the road what I hear here.


Egglestanworks Part 2

Eb Duet - doesn’t emotionally touch me as it should also missing a bit of the low end here.


Was there a system which impressed you?
Maybe the VAC ? Gryphon Apex ? Boulder?


Dominique Fils - good sound, while a bit difficult one to evaluate the strength and weaknesses…
Azu Tiwaline - impressive low end, sound stage is also good…, this is a nice song to test things
Kiln - interesting that they choose a bit of special music to show things off, this is not known to me…, but it is interesting.


By the way I will as much as possible also indicate which songs I found nice to test music on, and I just am listening the two songs which I heard at Estelon and indeed they also sound special on my system, can imagine that these would be used for testing things. As it brings certain qualities forward which not every system can bring so well accross. Things like low end, attack and decay etc…. So please also watch my text on jewels from a demo perspective……


Nice Studer - were they using it Bert?

I was impressed by the following systems

Dartzeel / Stenheim - you will see about them later in the report. A system which was very natural and could play almost anything……, while they had a bit weaker source on the digital side.

Von Schweikert / VAC… smaller speakers this time then last year with the best of show sound of the ultra 7…, but even the smaller speaker engaged me a lot and on the 2nd day I had the feeling it was even better tuned overall…

Nagra / Stenheim - the smaller setup. The bigger setup which I also saw was for me a bit too clinical. The small setup was emotionally very engaging.

MBL - is as always also very good, while I am less impressed as in the past…. I guess as I finding the emotional impact of a system more and more important.

Gryphon and Boulder I unfortunately missed out on.


Yes as I wrote they used it for Yello, while it didn’t do so much for me. Perhaps because Yello also sound good on other digital formats. The following day I heard the Nagra tape recorder which apparently was 40 years old used for creating a special edition of the stereo listen editions, that one impressed me more…., and also heard one at the Dartzeel stand…, a French tale deck of which I don’t remember anymore what it was…., see pictures under Dartzeel which will come later….

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After 20+ years with my Naim system (just about everything culminating with 552DR/500DR these past 15 years) I moved to a DarTZeel preamplifier + amplifier this past November. My digital source is not weak :wink: - dCS Rossini APEX + Clock, while my LP12 was just brought back up to its previous Klimax level - and now finally capable of utilizing the internal DarTZeel phono stage.

By coincidence this week I have a home demo of Stenheim speakers - and I will see if they can kick my 14 year old Kudos Titans out of the house.

Like you others on a different forum were not thrilled with the big Nagra/big Stenheim setup ($180k speakers). The Stenheim 5SE’s received all of the praise - first when paired with the smaller Nagra setup - but even more when paired with the DarTZeel setup.



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@BertBird, really enjoying your Munich Show report, it gets better every year. As in previous years, your report highlights not only the world’s best audio kit, but, as you go to the trouble of documenting the music is being played, I have discovered some wonderful new artists, and am also reminded of one or two superb albums I have in my own collection, but have not listen to for too long.

Looking forward to the rest of your report.


Thanks for your input @BertBird and coverage of the event.
Enjoying some of the music pickings, looking forward to the playlist.

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Last year I think to remember you were very impressed by Vandersteen.
Dartzeel is the favourite brand of Michael Fremer. You will please @glevethan here.
I wonder if you could listen to Aavik. Someone here replaced a 552/500/Nd555 by 2 Aavik boxes.

thanks bertbird - love the guy worshipping at the feet of the kharma speaker

Last year it was Von Schweikert/VAC and I again like them this time. Even though they had a less impressive system at this show. In the way I do the show you can’t hear them all, you would need 4 or 5 days to achieve quality coverage.


Thanks for your involvement. You can’t cover all, it’s too big of course.
Thanks again.

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