Munich show 2024

Wilson Audio

The new puppies.
Bobby Bass - nice full bass sound


Nagra / Stenheim Big System Part 1

Chet Baker - nice but they could play it a bit louder


Nagra / Stenheim Big System Part 2

Gilberto - nice not a lot to complain, while the emotions are not coming so well accross to me…
Buzz Ensemble - what an amazing bass sound, while at some times also a bit booming, interesting dynamics in the piece - this is a good testtrack
Antoine Beier - balance between the different areas not completely perfect, the bass is too dominant, can even be felt…, which is in a way nice…
Billie Ellish - good controlled, nice


Nagra / Stenheim Big System - Part 3

This was a nice in between demo in the show. It was hosted by the in Germany quite well known Matthias Bode from stereo magazine. He gave us a comparison of the sound differences between

  1. Nagra Tape
  2. Nagra recorder
  3. CD
  4. Vinyl

The pieces used have been, Ella Fitzgerald and Cyndee Peters

I found that the tape sounded the best, then I liked vinyl most then the Nagra recorder…., and at a distance the cd version.

The Matthias gave us a piece with guitar and clarinet which is recorded by a Italian firm who does only do tapes and was recently hailed for tape versions of Pavorotti, don’t remember the name sorry for that…

Then the last one was mesmerizing. Again I don’t know if I reflect the name and context well. But he told us that he met a Andy Lam on the show and he got a unique Vinyl version, on special material as well of a flemengo piece…, the Vinyl will I belief come out under the title Flamengo Fever….omg this was soooooo good, it really was as if the flamingo dancer was performing in front with you… so lifelike with the typical flamingo sounds which include the stamping on the ground….


Total DAC

Till Bronner - Nice sound, however didn’t stay long enough to be to critical about the sound, as also the next one sounded ok.


Total DAC part 2

Chesky - she has a nice voice


Absolutely brilliant job Bert, thank you!


Gershman Acoustics Part 1

Anette Ashvik - voice comes across very nice… although in the very high region a bit edgy to my feel, bass could be stronger…


I got into the big Nagra room at a random point with no special comparisons etc. and while I was rather excited and expecting to be blown away, all I could say to myself was … what? why so totally dull?
very disappointing but I know they can do better.

I recognised this, but had to look it up, I think this is a direct to disc by MK Realtime records. Plenty on discogs for silly money.

Gershman Acoustics Part 2

Some systems would be less thin, while they give the impression as if the carteridge of the vinyl is broken, could be as bass is missing or it’s just an excuse for the lack of balance.
Dominique Fils - the aspects of a woman’s voice come accross very well, however the foundation is too thin…
Patricia Barber - last year I heard better bass on the Tad system, or perhaps it was there too much prnounced, everything else comes through very nicely.
Heifetz - the upper regions are going very well, now it also goes deeper, but I don’t like how the lower region is expressed……
Perhaps I am also to critical as I hear this and then you keep hearing it and perhaps even amplify it in your mind.

P.s. the lady on the picture was the md or the owner of the label of the album of Patricia Barber…., a very unsymphatic person in my view who is so much full of herself….p.s it’s the lady on the right, not the one on the left with the album



Many thanks for all the reviews from the Munich Show, makes very interesting reading.

Is it me though, I find some of the high value kit to be very ugly and a lot of would not fit in a domestic environment.



You certainly need big rooms (esp. high ceilings) to accommodate the size of some of the kit, with a power station hiding in the surrounds too with, it seems, an ability to hide all the cabling. I suspect the cabling and ancillaries bill for some of the systems is > list cost of a full Statement set-up.

@BertBird – thanks for all the pics and comments. This is ‘if you have to ask the price, you cannot afford it’ territory :grin:


Marten Audio Part 1

Nice open sound


Marten Audio Part 2

Angela Brown, rounded sound, nothing to critique…, but stayed too short to give a real impression


Magico Part 1

Brian Bromberg - a rounded sound of the bass


Magico Part 2

Roger Waters - Good, but indeed a rounded almost too beautiful sound, which is actually missing a bit of the required emotion…


Please respond again so I can continue finishing the report.

Magico Part 3

Didn’t note something down on Neon

Chris Jones - you hear the different parts of the stage very well, but at the same point it sounds well, but misses a bit of the emotion.
Steve Strauss - again a song in the same range, so question is what they want to hide by only playing this type of music…


Macintosh / Sonus Faber

Heifetz’s - nice rounded tone, interesting how we still can enjoy such an older recording in 2024 on the right equipment
Fink - sounds too polite, could have a bit more edge….


Thank you your report Bert!

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