Munich show 2024

You are really very kind and generous to share such a comprehensive summary of the show with the rest of us. Thank you.

Best regards, BF


Awesome to hear that Bert, those amps look familiar.:grin:

Von Schweikert / VAC 2nd day part 1

Decided to close the day and the show again at this wonderful combination of brands. The system was even better tuned as the day before it was a real real delight, while it was not at all a top of the range system….besides the sources and the partly the amps
Rafael - at first a bit feeling of edgy, which you can have when walking into the room, but incredible fast.
This time I was by the way sitting in the best position in the front first row….

David Sanborn - still amazed how such a small system can do this so well, amazing real amazing soundstage. I am sitting a good meter meter and half away from the speakers…, sound seems to come partly from behind the speakers almost where the electronics stand, what a depth…
Madeline Peyroux - again the voice seems to come from behind, in the middle of the speakers


Von Schweikert / VAC 2nd day part 2

Bill Withers - it pierces in fantastic, while it also sometimes is a bit on the edgy side
Patricia Barber - this specific version is a dream…, not so much for the fact that Barber sings great which she also does here…., but wow how here band is taking the song to a completely different level is memorable……, a great end to a great show……


All, this end my report to the show in Munich, I promise I will also write reports of different shows which I might visit in autumn. I have constructed it with pleasure and hope you will find every now and then a most interesting piece of music which enriches your live.
Take my feedback with a bit less seriousness. I notice that you tend to get critical because you want or need to hear something for the report…, and in reality many system sound anyhow under there capability because either the choices of the vendor or either because the room is poor….

Would be nice if somebody could construct a playlist of what I published it might be of use to others like last year……

I thank you for your reading and encouragement , and don’t worry I will be back. Hope my friend will by the way also add some impressions…….


Thanks so much Bert. Very interesting!

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Dear @BertBird,

Again many thanks for the report and here below you have the playlist:



many thanks bert - as always a fascinating glimse of a world of equipment i have never heard. and a great set of tracks - any chance someone could do a qobuz playlist?


13 hours!

Give me strength :joy:


I can if you pay my subscription.

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Thank you so much Bert! I enjoyed thoroughly your report.


This is a great thread thanks Bert it’s so :sunglasses:

ATB Graham

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Outstanding Bert, thanks so much for taking the time to do this great report.

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Horses and bells ??? That sounds like the epitome of worthless audiophile nonsense… like back in the day with other sound effects… Trains and rain and dogs barking LOLOLOL

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Bert, thank you so much, great report and some wonderful music to explore.

I have created a playlist of most of the tracks you Shazam’d (excluding a few I couldn’t find and some I am already familiar with). There are some belters in there. I have this playlist in my Quobuz…er…Playlists. Not sure how to make this available to Forumites. Can anyone assist?


Go to share, copy the link, paste it here.

I hope I have successfully copied BertBird’s Munich Show playlist I complied in Qobuz below.

68 tracks, 6 hours of interesting music, you are bound to find a belter or two in this lot.


Ok now what do I have to do when in Qobuz?
I hit import and it seems like they are downloading to my phone?…hope this doesn’t mean I am purchasing them?
I am using my IPhone 12 to do this.

If you import, you are downloading the files to your phone, but not buying them (you can’t transfer them from your phone, it’s an option to save music on your phone to avoid using cellular data on the run). If you just favourite the playlist using the heart symbol, then the playlist is stored as a favourite so you can access it when you want.