Munich show 2024

Yes that must of been my playlist then. The thing I like about these shows, or their playlists is you pick up other artists renditions of songs you know well. For example Billie Jean by Winterplay, I thought that song was quite good… never even heard of them before this Munich show.

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Yes, there are some wonderful tracks in the playlist, but the listener will need to invest a bit of time to find their own personal favourites.

Others of course will brand anything played at a hifi show as utter rubbish and not even bother to sample them - so easy to do with Qobuz playlists. Their loss.


There is a 176.4 kHz version available on Qobuz.

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Weren’t those on display in the food area of the Munich show?

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I am really enjoying the BertBird playlist, thanks to Bert for the work in Munich and Rafael for the Tidal playlist and NigelB for the Qobuz one.


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Mille Gracie :+1:

I find hifi playlists tend to be demo tracks to demo the kit, not the musicians. As such they can be a bit meh for me to sit and listen to. As said though they do give me a chance to sample music I wouldn’t otherwise come across. I’m grateful for the playlists, and Bertbirds inclusion in his reports.

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About half way through the play list - thanks for putting it together. For the most part the music makes my system sing but sadly I can’t say the same for my heart. Do the demonstrators at hifi shows actually listen to music at home I always wonder.

Maybe they do, but often it matters to settle on tracks which not only sound good/impressive but relate to a wide music taste by audience.

Personally I leave such demo rooms speedy if the music is not to my taste or played to death in other rooms, Dire Straits comes to mind (I do like their first LP though)

The only show I do is NWHifi. Many of the demonstrators look completely disinterested. One or two really do enjoy sharing music which they are clearly as enthusiastic about as the hifi. I dare say demonstrating gets a bit tedious over time.

46 Tidal
67 Qobuz
113 Total
On 20240608113147

One interesting learning from this thread is Tidal 40.7%, Qobuz 59.3% in the Naim environment (from the number of clicks to the links).

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