Music or song your pet go gaga over

There are a few tracks my dogs absolutely go gaga over. One which I love but can seldom enjoy without interruptions is Peggy Lee’s Fever. There are a couple of others my girl sings to. Admittedly, we were very amused by her talent and encouraged her.

How about your experience or your pets?

My dog starts yipping when Dogs from Pink Floyd’s Animals is played. Same goes for Seamus from PF’s Meddle.


I had a cat that hated anything by The Gang of Four, would wake up, look disgruntled and stomp out of the room when I put one of their albums on. A friend told me their cat was the same. Neither cat disliked other albums. We speculated over the cause of this whilst supping numerous pints.

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Haha, there is barking in that Dogs track. No wonder! One of the games I played on PS3 COD Modern Warefare 2 special ops - O Cristo Redentor where some of the subjects are dogs. One of my dogs gets a bit scared every time.

My cat runs away after the first seconds of Tchaikovsky 6. She is afraid of the Big Bang at 9 minutes

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