Muso 1gen and qb 2gen

Dear All
I have a 1gen Muso and I am interested in purchasing a 2gen QB. My question is this: is there any problem listening to Tidal on both devices at the same time, without delay? Thanks

System automation will work fine.

If you want the two Musos to play in sync, use the multiroom function in the Naim app, or use Airplay in the Tidal iOS app.

No problem - I do exactly this.

I have the same and have no problems just use QB gen 2 as the master.

Thank you all, that question has been resolved!
I have been looking at prices and the truth is that at this moment the difference between the Muso and the QB is so small, that I am considering purchasing another Muso (instead of the QB) and placing the two Musos (the one I already have, 1st gen, and a second, 2nd gen) vertically, each one on one side of the TV, and in this way gain the filling of the space, which I think is the weak point of the Muso. Has anyone tried or seen this setup? Once again, thank you all.

That would be very strange indeed, not only in looks but the fact you’d get double stereo, with the same sound both sides. One muso beneath the TV should be more than sufficient, alternatively an amp and a pair of speakers.


I agree. Also the gen 1 and gen 2 musos sound different so with one of each, the sound would not even be balanced from one side of the TV to the other.

Bear in mind though if you ever decided to migrate from Tidal to Qobuz 1st Gen Musos won’t support it.

If you want Qobuz on a QB1 you can multiroom it. I do that with my Nova so presumably it would work from a QB2 as well. As long as you have on eof the latest generation streamers you should be fine.

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