Muso qb2

I am thinking about purchasing the above. Two issues:
a) what is the length of the cable that comes with the Muso
b) can you get an extended cable if needed
Your help is appreciated

I presume you mean the mains cable…?
Certainly can get a longer Figure8 cable if you’d like (1–5m), there’s nothing particularly special about the supplied Naim cable….

Yes the mains cable.
Thank you for your help

Just make sure if you buy a longer cable, that it’s a straight figure 8 head.
It’s a very close quarter’s connection zone and 90 degree etc heads will not fit.

Mine fits.


It’s the full size muso where the mains socket is hidden underneath thereby restricting access.

There are no such issues with the qb.

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Made my own cable to the required length.

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