My AV2 can't get really loud anymore!

I’ve been observing a phenomenon for a while now that my AV2 doesn’t get really louder from volume 45 onwards, it just doesn’t increase dynamically.
It’s played over all channels the same via SPDiF. Regardless of whether it’s DVD, Bluray/UHD or stream.
Question: is it the output stages or maybe a digital problem? Does anyone have any experience with this? It’s not dramatic because I’m now converting the cinema to an ATMOS preamplifier (Rotel 1576Mk1).
But I still love the AV2 and would get it repaired. Have any of you observed this phenomenon and can it be repaired?
Many thanks!

I’m not familiar with the unit but has it not been set to a maximum limit at that.
Maybe accidentally. :thinking:

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Thank you very much for your answer. I bought the AV2 new in 2006 together with the DVD5 and know the devices very well. A MAX limit is not set.

The AV2 simply no longer gets really loud dynamically.
I suspect it’s the output stages. But who knows?

@NeilS probably has a good an idea as anyone…

The Achilles heal of the AV2 were the volume ICs, there are four of them (each two channel), they are incredibly static sensitive & no longer available. Granted, it would be unusual for all four to fail simultaneously, but they are one of the reasons why we became reluctant to work on the AV2. The risk of damaging an otherwise working unit is too great.
There are however, common power supplies for all of the output stages. It isn’t a fault condition I’ve heard of before, so it’s difficult to diagnose remotely.
Due to the above, I’m not sure whether we issue RMAs for AV2s any more - I’d suggest getting touch with your local dealer if you wish to make an enquiry.



#NeilS Thank you for your message. I don’t think that all 4 volume ICs have failed. At least with your explanation. Could it be the output stages of the individual channels? With pink noise, all channels are equally loud. So the control works. But the volume increase is just too timid and that’s why I’m going back to the power supply or the output stages. After almost 20 years, that’s conceivable. In any case, I wanted to get your opinion here. I’ll speak to my dealer.

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Have you tried a factory reset?
Switch on with both front panel buttons pressed - display will read “update”, then cycle the power again.
Obviously you would need to set all your inputs & speaker parameters again.



My av2 used to go to max volume all by itself . It sent me jumping to turn it off before it blew my speakers on several occasions.
Plurison (Naim’s repair/ distribution company in Canada) replaced some electronics and from then on it was fine. I don’t know if you can get AV2s repaired any more. You can’t in Canada.

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Shame naim never produced an AV3, I ended up moving to 4 naim preamps when I decommissioned my AV2. The reality is there is now only a technology based solution and compromise with SMPS devices a plethora of HDMI switching and super complex processing. A high end DAC solution with excellent D>A stages and very well engineered pre amps doesn’t really exist (Trinnov is a posh PC). For me high end (ish) 7.1 is the best option and then EQ and DSP for subs only (alas A>D EQ, DSP, D>A for this)

You don’t miss and content with any formats just the overhead mapping which comparing is in a lot of cases more novelty than real immersion of cinema

If you have ever listened to blockbuster on a high end cinema £100k+ set up, it’s impressive. Play an emotive film with a strong music based background, it’s okay, play music and it’s usually degrees of disappointment.

Sticking with analogue out from a good player then using good pre amps, controlling subs externally and integrating properly you end up with just a degree of compromise on pin point positioning on the most complex blockbuster. BUT you end up with all the scale and mass and arguably more dynamics than the highly processed alternative. AND better everywhere on the emotive non Disney film and no compromise on music.

Most film scores are about driving emotion for the scene and this can get compromised with all but the very best high end digital heavy processed solutions

Thank you very much again for the discussion. I will be putting the Rotel 1576Mk1 into operation in the next few weeks. I have already installed the four Atmos speakers and integrated the 2xNAP100 power amplifiers into the system. I just need to build adapter cables for the amplifiers. I’m having the AV2 overhauled by the output stages. Then I could always go back from 7.1.4 to 7.1. I’ll report back.