My Focsl Utopia Sound Dull and Constrained out of the Box. Possible Causes?

@HungryHalibut i am aware if this. For others, . The five foot and ten foot cables are not the same. The five foot cables are thinner and are intended for a mobile device. The cable that would beed to be compared to the Cardas is the 10 foot cable, which lacks the proper termination

The dealer did not recommend an adapter solution for the three meter cable. We discussed it.

On there are reviews of the Cardas cable with the Utopia. Not many, but generally raves. Based on those plus others from a google search, I decided on the Cardas.

I am not ruling out a better headphone amp. However, I don’t understand the posts on here about how to connect one to a SN3. Moreover and more importantly, I lack shelf space. The only shelf possible would be the one that already has my HighcapDr as that device is relatively narrow. Are there narrow headphone amps that work well with the Utopia?


Then I would go back to your dealer and explain your dissatisfaction.

Personally, I’d be suspicious of a recommendation to pair £4.7k phones with the headphone amp on a SN3 and suspect you really need a very high quality dedicated head amp to do justice to those Utopias.

But the dealer surely has some responsibility to help you and, assuming the stock cable doesn’t resolve the issue, that’s where I would go next.



Maybe, but it doesn’t really matter here. The cable will be fine for a quick test, and should throw some light on whether you don’t like the phones, or whether the Cardas cable is causing your current dissatisfaction. They are top end, very expensive headphones, and should sound wonderful. That said, I do wonder if running them off the Supernait will get anything like the best from them. I’d probably be looking at a top end headphone amplifier for them, or going for less illustrious headphones.

I really suggest you give the shorter cable a go. Just sit next to the Supernait to try it.

You beat me to it, Roger!

I think everyone on here is saying the same thing, but the OP does not seem to want to listen…

The alternative is wait until after a couple of thousand hours of unhappy listening, and if not by then accustomed to the sound find it is too late to persuade the dealer to change the headphones.or cable.


The headphone output of the SN3 must be equivalent to that of the 272 (class A), when I bought the Focal Clear I found the output of the 272 not qualitative enough, I tried other headphone amp in 500 euros, they were no better…

I finally found my happiness at Topping with the A90D (600 euros), really excellent, it is compared to amps of several thousand euros without problems… I tried the Utopia on, it is much better than the Clear and with the Topping it’s perfect! The Utopia is a high class headset, you have to use an amp to match!

Last thing, the break-in is very important! it took the Clear about 50 hours to stabilize and no longer evolve…

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Cardas usually needs a long break- in.

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It’s beginning to get better. Not as dull. Not as closed in. Slightly louder. Slightly more dynamic. I had to slightly increase the volume beyond what I would listen on speakers. Some on the post said that is not unusual. Four days in.


Good news.

By the way, what has your dealer said? Have they agreed to a return/exchange if you are not satisfied? Worth having that option if the combination doesn’t work out soon. Not cheap headphones if you are only partly happy.


I haven’t read the full thread… (my laptop died), but from the first ‘quite a few’ posts; seems blaming cable rathet yhan avknowledging Focal headphones need a SERIOUSLY LONG BREAK-IN period.

Only other headphones I have had that needed ‘more’ breakin time were some Ultrasone Edition 5, also with metal drivers.

I believe it is a function of the stiffness that takes awhile to find its ultimate stride.

out of the box, some Clears were crap to the point I was questioning taking them back, as they were a horrid mess with regards to positioning and lacked altogether any front to back stage etc …

after around 800 hours were a different animal and I’d actually be willing to put them on my head

listenable around 80hours, got proper ‘hifi’ sound rendering around 400 hours (started to stage better)…
around 800 the treble started to become truly nice/‘worthy of a price tag’ that placee them in a premium/‘high quality’ equipment category.

The cable upgrade on those Utopias would be recommended anyway, even if the OP didn’t need 4.5metres.

play some prodigy fat of the land/pink noise/white noise/orchestral music/what you listen too on repeat at alightly varying ‘low’ volume levels until they start to image front to back and left to right ‘well beyond the cups’…

cables too, take awhile to settle.
leave the cardas inplace, certainly…
good marriage would ve ny take! (Focal dont really believe in Cables, the included ones I use for VR gaming and some older sony MDRZ7…the material sheath makes them appear potentially durable)

Or they design an d do listening tests on their headphones using whatever is the cable they supply as standard, so they are “voiced” to be how the designer intended and felt was right with those cables, so any other cabkes that have an altering effect on the sound would depart from the design intent (though of course some individuals might like the change - and others not). Not an uncommon approach amongst speaker designers, too.

@whitedragem Thanks. What do you use as a headphone amp with the Focsl headphones? Do you use the amp in the XS2?

One use of “Focsl” can be put down to an oversight, but come on now, pay attention in class.

So what did your dealer say?

@BruceW Who are you directing this to? If it’s me, my dealer raves about Focsl Utopia. He does not stock a range of headphones other than the upper end Focsl ones. I have known my dealer for 40 years, even though he was not always my dealer. He has been “spot on” with his suggestions for my new Naim system so far, so there would be no reason not to trust his recommendations. My previous dealer, whose recommendations I also trust, is not a headphone guy and had nothing to suggest.

But what did your dealer say about your problem ??

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As above.


OP must have a nautical background, lol.

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I just emailed my dealer.