My SL2s have died!

Not sure when or why the SL2 thread deviated to the old cassette, all I remember the cassette is a flawed media that was great for recording the odd top 40 track 30 years back but that was about it for me.

I did sort of mention a few, but there’s more like compression and distortion.
Anyway back on topic

I’ve removed some of the OT and somewhat ad hominem comment here. Time to get back on topic…

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I want that XO too! How would they compare to active sbls is the question.

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That would be interesting, Yorkshireman who’s a member of this forum has an active NAP135 setup into SL2s, at some point he will be attending my home for a listen.
Although Sean Jacobs once had an active setup into SBLs he is now running passive using his PAXO.


After a few hundred hours on the playback clock these SBLs in one word are beautiful.

Volume either low, high, somewhere in between it doesn’t matter, the 250DR into these SJ PAXOs has it all, I would go as far to say it surpasses the SL2/500 combo I owned, I dread to think what these SBLs would sound like on the end of a 500, one day perhaps.


Where does one purchase these magical PAXos?

Yes the SBL are a more musical speaker,the SL2 never engage me in the same way.

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SBLs have always been beautiful. Much more visually appealing than the SL2 IMO.

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As i have always said no need to go active with naim speaker’s, you just need to fix the real problem.
That’s what you have done.


As with all speakers with passive crossovers.


Do they have a cover, that lot would be seriously dusty in my house after a short period?

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There’s no cover and I have two of the worst dogs that create dust / hair but surprisingly after a few weeks there is hardly any dust behind the SBLs.

We have a ginger spaniel and frequently I have to hoover out hair tumble weed from behind mine!

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Drop Sean Jacobs an email. Contact us page at Custom Hifi Cables email address and go from there.

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