My speaker upgrade audition plans

Can you clarify what you mean by that? I understand the term when describing performance of a DAC, but speakers?

You said earlier that you found something missing with the 606. You didn’t felt in love with them, neither Russel, neither Spendor.
Why not try other brands, like PMC, ATC, BW, or Sonus Faber?

I’m not particularly good at describing what I hear. I guess what I’m saying is that the Kudos 606 sounded more realistic, as if listening live, rather than to hi-fi.

I’m not saying i didn’t really like the Kudos 606, just that I would have to add the NPX 300 at the same time. Without it there was a feeling that it lacked something. Adding both now is beyond my budget, hence the problem.

Trying other brands (other than B&W) would mean I’d need to go to another dealer. My current dealer is not too far away, is very amenable to demos (shop and home) and has been very helpful, so I’d prefer to find something I like that he stocks.


Yes, it would seem so, unless I can find a way around the budget issue.

I once demoed the kudos 20s against the 606s and I walked away with the 606s. I could see they would be my end game speaker. Both were incredibly revealing and detailed, but thought the 606s were just more dynamic and “fun”.

I too find the 606s very “live” or “studio” sounding. They are very revealing which is a bit of a double edge sword. Yes, they are easy to place, but also easy to tweak. Every small or large upgrade, be it cable, power, position, new black box’s, all will be revealed with those speakers.

Enjoy the journey!


Am I right I’m thinking that you use a 300DR?

It was interesting that the recent session at Naim HQ in Salisbury reinforced the view that a 500 was still better than a pair of 350s, but not necessarily that much. Similarly, a 300DR was felt to be better than NC250 (a esp driving big and demanding speakers), even though the NC250 is now closer in performance to a 300DR than to earlier 250s.

If you are adamant that you want to change your speakers first but you are going to add NPX300 at a later date I would suggest that all auditions are carried out with the NPX300 in the system including any home demo.

It is possible that you could dismiss a speaker without realising what it sounds like with the NPX300 in place.


No, I have an NC NAP 250. But that’s an interesting point. My dealer however has several happy clients with Kudos 606 speakers driven by NAP 250 DR, and thinks the NC 250 does an even better job. As I said though, I felt the source needed to be better and the NPX 300 helped to provide better balance.

Food for thought if I ever were to consider the 350s.

Indeed, that’s my plan and what I have been doing :grinning:.

Given that I need to make small (!) financial steps, I want my speaker upgrade to be something I can live with for a while before making the next one (likely an NPX 300). That said, longer term I haven’t ruled out a 333/332 instead.

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I drive my 606s with a 300DR but would be more than happy swapping that for 250nc if I wanted to simplify. I originally auditioned them with the OC250 and they were fantastic.

If you’re sure you’re going to add the NPX300 at some point then I would go for the 606s, it sounds like that’s what you really want.

I initially ran my 606s with my Atom!

But I had a plan :slightly_smiling_face:

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My heart says go for the Kudos 606s. My wallet and partner, who thinks I’m quite mad, are much less positive :astonished:.

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Prior to buying my T606s I used the original Spender D7 for several years a very nice speaker but I find the T606s to be a far better all round speaker but then they should be for the price difference.

Yea, it’s crazy really. I never tell anyone how much my rig cost, tbh I’m a little bit embarrassed by it.

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I know that feeling well not so much the speaker option more like SWMBO’s normal response :joy: best of luck which ever route you decide to go.

One thing I would mention, don’t limit your choice based on what your dealer supplies, lots of helpful dealers out there, you never know what you may find.


Have you tried any PMC or ATC speakers? I know you said your dealer doesn’t stock, but there other dealers/sources.

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A nice list of speakers there I think. I have not heard all of them, of the ones I have I like the Spendors and the Russell’s but I think I have only listened to the Russell 120, not the 120SE.

It should be fun to audition them and find the one that suits you and your ears.

Too bad you can’t listen to the Dynaudio Heritage Special…outstanding.

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My dealer has offered me a good deal on their Kudos Titan 606 demo speakers. So I plan to proceed with a home demo. Exciting!


Try them with ks1 cables. It can bring something more. Or not.