My System no Longer Needs Upgrading and it feels STRANGE!

To the OP, considering your system no longer needing upgrading and feeling strange: Try reversing the direction of the fuse (that probably means several fuses, so one at a time. (See thread: How & why are fuses directional?!)

Why should I reverse the fuse if things are working well?

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Well might well ask.The linked thread suggests you could be in for a revelationā€¦ (Not everyone is convinced.)

I for one am not going to spend any time reversing fuse direction.

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Achieving contentment with what one has is a blissful state and like many on here I think I am close to being there (but then I have said that before!)

Being a reviewer is both a blessing and a curse! The last upgrade from NDX to NDX2 was driven by hearing the NSS 333. Reviewing the Lyra Kleos SL and AT ART20 made me realise how much I was missing with my OC9 so thatā€™s next on the list!

Thereā€™s a Klimax LP12 inbound shortly for review and despite hearing the Linn LP12 on many occasions in various guises I canā€™t help but be excited to hear what the grand master can do in my system when I live with it for a couple of months. Wasnā€™t it Steve Jobs who said ā€œStay hungry, stay foolishā€¦ā€

JonathanG (Still hungry and still foolish after 39 years pursuing a straight wire with infinite gain)

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I believe Iā€™ve reached the end of constantly upgrading and happy with my combo. Iā€™ve been upgrading since 94 and feel itā€™s almost like chasing your own tail. Iā€™m now no longer interested in tweaking cables fiddling with this or that or making sure making I have the latest component, thing is there will always been something new or better. Iā€™ve even canceled all my hi fi mags and content just to listen to the music.


Nice one Pete, a great place to be.


Likewise for me Pete

On the other hand :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:!!!

Nah - I need to get rid of a few boxes

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Say that in the thread I linked!

I saw that thread. I donā€™t really want to join the discussion.

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