Hi, I have a NAC 102 which I use with a NAP180. The sources are Naim CD5 (CD input) Auralic Altair G1 streamer (tuner input) and a Project Evo Debut Carbon (Phono input) I also have a Musical Fidelity X-Can headphone amp (Tape Loop) The Altair is my main listening source, however most often rather than not when I come to use it the next time it has changed to the tape input ! I have disconnected the X-Can headphone amp but the issue remains. I’ve spoken to Darren at Class A and Naim technical but they had no suggestions ! To be fair Naim offered to service the 102 and that might clear the fault but couldn’t guarantee a fix. The cost of a Naim Service on a maybe it wil fix it is probably in excess of the value of the 102. It isn’t a major issue as it does not prevent it from working - just a nuisance ! Any ideas would be most wellcome.
Could there be a “phantom remote” issue?
I have tried my other remotes with no success also leaving overnight with the music being the last thing on, it’s changed over night. The power supply is on a dedicated spur as well.
Can you try something? Disconnect all the sources from the NAC102 and then see if it still does it overnight.
I’ll try tonight
Long shot: noisy refrigerator motor or other source of electrical interference?
When I bought my NAC 52 back in 1991, I had a refrigerator the motor on which was so noisy that when it switched itself on or off, it sent such a huge “thump” through the electrical circuit that it switched the preamp into mono mode.
The HI-Fi is on a dedicated spur wigh nothing else on. I called into my locsl Naim dealer snd he thought it might be either our LED lighting or a stray IR from something elso. I doubt either as I left it on tuner last night with all of the inputs disconnected as suggested. The lights eere switched off and it changed over sometime at night in the dark. I believe pir sensors from the alarm system are another thing to investigate.
OK that’s great, at least you can rule out the sources. LED lighting can certainly cause issues, I’ve come across that before when I was at Naim. Other stray IR can also be a possible issue.
You could try covering up the IR sensor with some plumbing tape or similar and see what happens over night.
I covered the IR sensor with two layers of masking tape, I haven’t had the fault recurring since then. Added bonus the IR from the remote passes through the masking tape. We rebuilt the house 12 years ago and at the time the lighting wa made fully LED. I have only had a singe LED bulb failure in that time, so the LED’s are that old. Perhaps they are emitting some RF which plays havoc with the 102 ? Allthough this is a fairly recent issue with the 102. I also have an alarm pir directly above the Hi-Fi but pointing away from it, perhaps some IR reflection somehow, the main thing it now works. Thank you all for your answers.
Yes, LED lights have been the cause of odd IR issues in the past, so can’t be ruled out here. The alarm PIR I’ve not heard of being an issue before, but who knows…?
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